"You look like a piece of bacon! Or maybe leather."

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*Samantha's POV*

"My girl!" Sloane screeches as she sprints in my direction.

" Woah horsy, settle down." I chuckle as I envelope Sloane in a hug.

" I have missed you so- girl you look like a piece of bacon! Or maybe a piece of leather." She cuts herself off.

"Thank you?" I chuckle walking towards the doors to Booster Juice.

Once we order our drinks we sit down at a booth and we slurped down our smoothies.

" Gosh it's so hot outside." I comment in between gulps.

" I didn't come here to talk about the weather sweetheart, I came here to see you and hear all your juicy gossip." She states quite frankly.

See that's what I love about Sloane.

She is so upfront, and she doesn't hesitate to tell you something.

I once asked her if she likes my shirt, and her comment was: " Honey I'm going to break this to you nicely. It looks like a dog threw up on it and then shit on it."

See what I mean? And that was her putting it nicely.

You don't want to see when she isn't nice with her opinions.

" What's going on with Aaron? Have you two fallen madly in love yet? Am I going to be your maid of honour? Oh! What about the godmother to your kids. And don't forget-" I cut her off when she let her imagination wonder too far.

" Sloane you know how Aaron is. He is the player and bad boy who throws girls away like tissues after he has snotted in them."

" Easy with the metaphors."

" Sorry. I just don't think it will go anywhere. Not that I want it to go anywhere. Because he is totally not into me. I'm not his type. Or is he not my type?"

" She's rambling! She's in love!" Sloane yells, throwing her hands up in the air.

" Am not! I've only known him for 2 months!"

"That's a long time. But if you just met them why would your parents feel so comfortable leaving you with total strangers while they are millions of miles away?" She smirks knowing she has already gotten the answer she wanted.

" Fine. So we used to be friends when we were like 3 but who cares?"


" Huh?"

"TEAM SAMARON!!!" She clapped her hands together frantically.

"Ehh that sounds like a ship name for my mom."

I look around us and when people start to stare it's weird.

"Sloane you're attracting attention." I inform her in a pleading tone hoping she would get the picture.

" Sorry, sorry. Just one more little squeal?"

" No!" I state firmly, "Now shut up and listen to my story."


Over the next two hours of talking with Sloane, I got a lot of this off my chest.

I told her everything from Karen the she-devil to being embarrassed in front of everyone on the subject of Riley.

Telling her has always helped, and I honesty don't know what or who I would be today if she hadn't walked into my life.

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