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Two Years Earlier- Grade 9

*Samantha's POV*

"Knock, Knock, Knock!"

" Come in." I groan.

" Sam get up its already 7:30. Classes start in half an hour." Riley states.

" Fine I'll get up, I'll get up." I groan again.

Now I love my sister to pieces but I also love sleep and my bed, and she knows that.

This might sound mean and horrid but I have to choose between her and my bed.

Overall I love her way more because I don't think my bed can return the feelings I have for it.

" I'm coming back here in 10, you better be ready by then." She warns.

Riley looks almost the same as me.

She has long brown hair that she often curls into soft ringlets, dark brown eyes and full lips.

Lets just say she is stunning.

We don't have the same hobbies, likes, styles.

She likes hockey, I like track.

She likes drawing, I like singing.

She likes dresses and skirts, I prefer leggings and sweatpants.

So as you can see we aren't the same at all.

I wished that we had spent more time with Riley growing up because my parents were constantly taking me to watch track meets while my sister was at a club learning how to draw.

I spent more time with the sand in the long jump pit then I did with Riley.

I throw on a pair of black leggings and a Beatles t-shirt and I walk out the door.

I'm not one for makeup.

My dad drives us to school where I meet up with my best friends in the entire world Suzanne Martin, Mia Foster and May Hermione.

I had met the three of them in the 7th grade and we have been best friends ever since.

Riley on the other hand didn't have the same friends as me.

In the 7th grade she had a best friend, Stephen, but he moved away once they entered high school.

Suzanne, Mia, and May always wanted to be friends with Riley, claiming that she was pretty and smart and perfect.

But Riley never really showed an interest in being the popular girls friend.

Until high school when Suzanne, Mia, May and I were at the mall and we met up with her.

Since Stephen had moved away Riley never really became as close with anyone else.

She mostly just stayed by herself at school and hung out with me at home.

But that day at the mall sparked something.

I don't know what the three girls said to Riley, but she was literally begging them to be her friend.

Of course they accepted because that had been their goal ever since 7th grade.

So ever since that day at the mall, the five of us have never been closer.

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