Another One?

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*Samantha's POV*

It has been a great 2 weeks in New York.

Aaron and I have gone to The Statue of Liberty, Central Park, The Metropolitan Museum, Grand Central Station, Rockefeller Centre, and The Empire State Building.

Of course Karen, Lesley and Bruce went with us to some places but most of the time Karen went places by herself.

Most of the time Lesley and Bruce were at work seminars so we didn't see them very often.

But they said that they wanted to take us out for dinner tonight.

They described at a little Italian place with amazing gelato.

Did I mention my other weakness is gelato along side strawberry daiquiris!

We have just gotten back from lunch, Aaron and I had gone to a little hot dog stand.

Everyone says that the hot dogs in New York are beyond compare and the truth is....


Ok, enough of my obsessions over food.

Sooo, Theodore and I are like besties now and every night we play cards together before we go to bed.

I'm going to miss him when we leave here and go back home.

But we can keep in contact.

I start getting ready for dinner even though it's still 3:30.

What? I have nothing else to do.

Now I know what you are thinking.

This girl is in New York City and she has nothing to do!

Well honestly after 2 weeks in New York I'm running out of things to do.

I kinda just wanna go home.

Well not home because I'll have to go to Aaron's house , but that's as close as I'm going to get.

But we still have another two weeks here.

I hop into the shower, taking as long as I can because I have to waste as much time as possible.

I'm sooooooo bored.

I snapped out of my thoughts when the water instantly turns cold.

I turn the knob and jump out of the shower, freezing.

I grab a towel, wrapping it around me trying to warm up.

I walk out of the bathroom that links to my bedroom and see Aaron standing there.

" Oh sorry I thought you were out." He said covering his eyes.

" No I just took a shower."

I tip-toe over to my closet to grab a bathrobe and I walk back out.

" You can un-cover your eyes now." I laugh.

He smiles one of those heart melting smiles.

My heart fluttered.

Oh my Gosh.

My heart fluttered when Aaron smiled at me.

Oh nooo Sam.

There will be no fluttering of the heart when I am around Aaron Philips!

" Earth to Sam? Are you okay?" He chuckles waving a hand in front of my face.

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