Lions and Tigers and Dinosaurs?

23 17 1

*Samantha's POV*

He moved closer to me, trailing his hand up my torso wandering to my face.

Taking both hands he rubs small circles with his thumbs on my cheeks.

He stares me down, passion burning in his eyes.

Then he slowly and agonizingly moves his face closer to mine, never breaking eye contact.

Just as he is about to kiss me the way I have always wanted a person in a black leather jacket grabs him, and wraps a hand around his mouth.

"AARON!!!" I scream as he is pulled into the night.

"NO AARON!!" I cry out but its too late, he's gone and I have no way of getting him back.


That sounds like Sloane.

"Samantha wake up!"

I wake suddenly from what must have been a  dream.

Sloane has propped herself up on her elbows and is starring at me intently.

"Are you okay? You were muttering Aaron's name over and over again." Worry painted all over her face.

"What time is it?" I ask lifting myself into a sitting position.

"Its 2am." She squints to read the numbers on her watch.

"Can we go outside and talk I don't want to wake Jack." I look over at Jack who is sleeping soundly.

"Sure lets go."

I pull back the privacy curtain revealing Sophia and Chase on one of the pull out couch's and Caden by himself on the other.

Sam and Jamie have reclined the seats in the front while Sloane, Jack and I are sleeping on the big bed.

Sloane pushes the door open as quietly as she can and we both step outside.

We parked the trailer in the back of a really old parking lot behind an abandoned building.

The hotel thing didn't work out, we thought that as long as we have a place to sleep we don't need to spend more money on another.

"What's wrong?" She asks me as we take a seat on the curb.

"I'm afraid that I'll never see him again. I've seen those couples that look so in love and I think to myself that it could never be me. But then I developed feelings for a guy, and he ran away. The only reason I'm chasing after him is to find out if he feels the same way about me. Then I realized, I turned into the girl that cared too much about the haters, her appearance, her mistakes. I made myself believe that I was incapable of having a person return my feelings. And that's what I believe to this day, that I'm going on a wild goose chase to get my heart broken into a million pieces."

"Ohh honey." She says giving me a hug.

"You know that any person would be blessed to have you in their life. If Aaron can't return your feelings then he doesn't see what he's giving up. And honey, you shouldn't be worried about your appearance, you're a picture of perfection, there are some days that I wish I looked more liked you." She admits.

"Really because sometimes I wish that I looked like you. I never used to be that girl who was obsessed with taking a perfect selfie. Then one day I made myself think that I need one good quality selfie to post and let the world see. I tried for 10 minutes to take a picture, and when I finally got one that I approved of, the longer I looked at it, the more ugly it became. I saw little things about myself that I had never seen before, things that I immediately became self conscious of. So now every time I look in the mirror all I see is problems that can't be fixed." I whisper, a stray tear falling down my cheek.

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