Disney Nightmare

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*Samantha's POV*

"I WANT YOUR AUTOGRAPH!!!" I shout at Goofy as he walks by with two security guards trailing behind.

"Samantha your embarrassing me and yourself, its a man in a dog costume." Aaron points out chuckling.

"Shut up Aaron. It's not just a man in a dog costume."

"Yeah it could be a girl." Sam jumps in nonchalantly.

"Shut up!!" Aaron and I groan in unison.

"Are we going to be here all day?" Jamie whines, slumping his shoulders.

"Lighten up, were in the best place in the entire world." I defend.

"I'm hungry." Caden moans shuffling his feet trying to keep up.

Aren't we just a happy crew!

"It's ten o'clock you ate 20 minutes ago." Jamie points out.

"Well if it interests you, there is the Plaza Ice Cream Parlour just up main street." I suggest pointing to the big building on the end of the block.

"Sounds great, I'm in." Caden says beginning to walk towards the store.

"I still can't believe that you guys are going to eat ice cream at 10:00am in the morning." Aaron huffs.

"Oh like you aren't going to eat some too." Chase laughs.

Its so great that even though I haven't known these guys very long, we just seem to click.

Caden and I booth love to eat large amounts of food at a time.

Sam and I have the same interests like music, TV shows, books, that sort of thing.

Jamie and I like to complain about stuff.

Chase and I like to bother and prank Aaron.

And Aaron and I just like doing things together, spending time together, doing fun things.

"Is it that building?" Sam asks.

I say nothing, I just stare at the beautiful building.

Its a white building with a balcony on the second tier and white chairs and tables on the patio.

Looking back at the others quickly, I gesture for them to follow me inside.

As I enter, I admire the long white counter and the black and white tile floor.

I walk towards the gold railing that make out the waiting line.

I hear the boys approaching behind me, laughing about something that happened on TV.

"What are you going to get?" Aaron asks, slipping his arm around my waist protectively.

"Um what are you doing?" I ask, removing his hand and placing it back at his side.

"That guy over there is just staring at you, really creepily." He whispers.

"Oh please you're not my boyfriend you don't have to protect me." I smirk, but I soon regret it when I see hurt flash through Aarons eyes before it disappears.

"What can I get for you?" A voice interrupts.

I turn so I'm facing the counter and I see that the people in front of us has gone and its our turn to order.

"I don't know one second please."

I look at each of the coloured flavours, studying the name tags.

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