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This is not a chapter, I apologize but I have a few updates. So please take a moment and read.

I have decided to put this book on hold after the next chapter is updated. During this time I will be editing and trying to catch up on certain things or characters I have some what forgotten. The next chapter I will be updating is titled "Lions and Tigers and Dinosaurs?" and it will be the last update until the book is caught up.

Please bare with me and in the mean time, feel free to comment if I have failed to remember a crucial or non-crucial part of this book.

Also please comment ideas on how to make this book more popular! I've worked very hard on it and want it to be seen by as many people as possible.

My goal after catching up is to get to 300 VOTES! But I need your help to get there. So please take a second on every chapter and hit the star!

After I have finished the "Hold" I will be updating The Chapter titled "Characters-Real people". In this chapter it contains the characters names and who they look like (Celebrities). This chapter is already up and has the names and celebrities there already. It will be updated every time a new characters is introduced to the book, so find out what they look like!

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this.

I will be coming out with the next chapter in a couple of days.

So remember to





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