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*Samantha's POV*

The ride to the airport was very awkward.

Usually we would find something to talk about like the hockey game on tv last night, or the newest YouTube video or even what was funny on South Park.

But now, now that he has finally told me how he feels about me, it's like I'm being pushed to spill my feelings when I'm not even sure of them myself.

I don't know if I like Aaron.

I know I like him as a friend and a prank buddy, but a boyfriend.

Not that we would be boyfriend and girlfriend, I'm just saying.


Oh no.

"Yes Aaron." I suck in a breath to contain my nervousness.

"What entrance should we go in." He sighs.

Oh that's a relief.

"Entrance 14." I reply.

He parks the car and we get out, ready to walk towards the building to see my parents for the first time in months.

Aaron suddenly slips his hand through mine and for some reason is feels wrong.

Even though I feel fireworks from his touch something doesn't feel right.

Something's missing and I think I know what it is.

"Aaron I can't." I say, taking my hand away from his.

I look at his eyes and I see a flash of hurt before it is covered up.

"I understand, you don't like me like that." He shrugs trying to assure me that he doesn't care.

"It's not that I don't like you like that, it's just that I don't know what I want. I need to know what I'm feeling before I go ahead with anything." I sigh again.

"Hey isn't that Adam?" He breaks the conversation to point across the room at a boy sitting in a chair waiting for the arrival of a plane.

"Yeah I think it is."

We walk towards Adam and it just so happens that he is sitting in the same area that my parents will be arriving at.

"Adam? What are you doing here?" I smile as he gets up and wraps me in a big bear hug.

I hear Aaron growl under his breath when Adam pulls away.

"I'm actually waiting for you."

"How did you know I was going to be here."

"Your parents know my parents and my parents told me that they were getting back today so here I am."

Aaron pulls me towards him and turns me so I'm facing him.

"Just a second Adam I just have to talk to Sam for a second." Aaron smiles.

I know that smile. It means that he is trying to be nice but also is adding a little bit of sass. In other words it's fake.

"What is it Aaron?"

"How did this guy know that you were going to be here. You didn't know that your parents were coming back until a few minutes ago, why would they text someone before you?"

"I don't know Aaron. Does it matter?"

"I just..... I don't trust this guy. I think he is up to something."

"Adam is Theodore Berkley's son! Why shouldn't we trust him, we trust Theodore."

"You trust Theodore I never did."

The Road to Somewhere Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant