It Just Takes a Second

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*Aaron's POV*

Isn't it scary how your life can change in less then one second.

One minute you could be having the time of your life and next you want to curl up in a hole and die.

That's what happened to the six of us.

We had a great day, and then as it was coming to an end, a pick up truck drove right into the side of Caden's car going at 90 miles an hour.

Caden and Samantha were in the front seat, Chase and Sam were in the middle row and Jamie and I were in the very back.

The truck drove into the right side of our car so Samantha, Sam and Jamie were the ones who suffered and are suffering the most.

Right now we are all in the hospital with IV's and monitors driving us crazy.

I haven't seen the other boys yet or Samantha, only the nurse coming in to tell me they are going to be okay.

The nurse told me that Samantha's parents were contacted but obviously they aren't going to fly down from India just because their daughter has slight head trauma.

When it all happened, Caden hit the break immediately causing us all to lean forward, making me bang my head on the seat in front of me.

Sloane and Jack are both here but the doctors say they can't come in yet because they aren't done running the tests on me.

"Hi bud, how are you doing?" One of the nice nurses greets me as she carries a tray of crappy hospital food over.

"Better. When will I be able to see my friends?" I question.

"After you are done your dinner. We have to make sure that you can keep this down."

"Why would that matter."

"Because your friend Caden Fabion has the stomach bug. That's why he wasn't doing well when he was driving." She explains.

"Okay I'll eat this and then I'll go see them."

She nods her head and proceeds out of my room, my private room might I add.

I could have just gotten a normal hospital cubical, where the curtains divide each but Mom and Dad got this one instead.

After forcing the food down my throat and keeping it down for 15 minutes, I was granted permission to see my friends.

"Aaron are you okay?" Jack and Sloane ask in unison as they quietly walk through the door.

"I will be. I feel kinda gross right now but I'll get better. What are you guys doing in here?"

"We were on our way to see Samantha." Sloane explains.

"So how was Disney?" Jack asks with enthusiasm.

"Jack I don't really think it's the time to talk about that." Sloane pats Jack on the shoulder as he pouts in disappointment.

"But he could use some Disney therapy." He whines, "I could use some Disney therapy." He moans.

"Sorry Jack maybe later. I'm going to go down the hall and talk to Samantha."

Sloane and Jack exchange a worried look.

"What's wrong? I saw that look, tell me what's wrong." I demand, sitting up in my hospital bed.

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