"Who dares to wake me from my slumber?"

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*Samantha's POV*

"Ugh!" I roll over onto the other side of my bed trying to get comfortable.

"ACHOO!!" I sneeze quite loudly.

Tap, tap, tap.

I looked towards my window and I see two eyes starting back at me.

They are rather cute eyes might I add.

"Aaron?" I ask in a raspy voice that I hardly recognize as my own.

" Open up Cupcake."

" What the hell are you doing at my window?" I cough and I feel phlegm rising at the back of my throat.

I quickly shuffle to my night table and I grab a Kleenex, spitting the gooey liquid into it.

"Cupcake I didn't come here to watch you spit in a tissue. Please open your window."

Aaron told me last night that if I was feeling home sick that his parents are okay with me sleeping at my house for a couple nights.

But since my parents only left me one key, Aaron has no way in.

But, looking at him hanging onto my window sill makes me realize that Aaron doesn't need a key to get places.

"Fine." I groan, flipping the latch and pulling the window up just enough so he can fit his large frame through it.

"Who dares to wake me from my slumber?" I moan.

" It is I, Aaron Philips." He jokes but I just groan and flop back onto my bed.

" Go away. As you can probably tell, I'm not a morning person."

" Cupcake you may not be a morning person, but I highly doubt that your morning self looks as shitty as that." He points to my face.

" Excuse me?" I ask shocked.

He says nothing, just gestures for me to check my reflection in the mirror.

" Aaron, let me explain something to you. When a women says excuse me, it's not because she didn't hear what you said, she giving you a chance to change your answer." I smile at him as he smirks back at me.

" Yeah I've heard of that saying, but I don't see a women in here, just a cyclops." He laughs, slapping his hand against his knee.

He tumbles onto my bed, trying to get his breathing under control from his last laugh attack.

" Just look in the mirror." He groans in frustration.

This time I take his advice and I turn my body so I'm facing the mirror.

All I can do is gasp wen I see my reflection.

Aaron is right today is not a good morning for me.

I do look like a cyclops.

I immediately cover my hands over my face and I walk into my bathroom that connects to my bedroom.

" Cupcake I was just kidding."

" I look hideous!" I squeal was I look at myself in better lighting.

" Cupcake, it's not your morning looks it's because your sick." He explains while walking into my bathroom.

My bathroom! Which means he shouldn't be in My Bathroom!

" Get out!" I stomp my foot, pointing back into my bedroom.

" Samantha you have a cold." He states.

" No I can't have a cold, we are going to Disney World tomorrow." I whine and a slump into the bathroom floor.

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