Staying with Mr. Philips

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*Samantha's POV*

" But mom, I can stay with Sloane!!" I whine in frustration.

" No honey, It's already settled. Your staying with the Philips family."

" But moooom!!"

" End of discussion, now go pack your suit case."

I leave the couch where we were sitting and I stomp up the stairs. I walk into my room, slam my door and belly flop onto my bed, burying my face into my pillows.

I roll over and looked up at my ceiling thinking of how my parents are going to abandon me this summer. I was going to have to stay with Aaron for 2 months.

I log roll off my bed and walk over to my closet to grab my suitcases. I grab both my carry-ons and laid them out on my bed.

I go over to my dresser to take some t-shirts, shorts, bras and underwear.

I put them in my case perfectly folded and I walk over to my closet once again. I take 6 sun dresses out of my closet and place them on my bed.

While taking the hangers out I admire each one. The first one was black with white daisies splashed all over.

The second dress ended at mid-thigh and was white until my waist until it turned black. The third dress ended at my ankles and had pink green and white stripes.

The other three were just plain yellow blue and red dresses. I grabbed 3 pairs of black heels and 3 pairs of sandals and ballet flats.

I walk into my bathroom to grab my hair products and toiletries. I pack everything into the suitcases, zip it up and walked downstairs.


As I help my parents load up the taxi that is taking them to the airport I keep glancing over at Aaron's house waiting for him to come out and get me.

When the last suitcase is loaded into the car I hug and kiss both my parents and tell them to be safe.

Their taxi was half way down the road when I hear a door slam.

I look across the street to see a smiling Aaron walking out his front door.

He practically skips across the street.

He wraps me in an unexpected hug and I feel something soft brush up against my ear.

My breathe hitched in my throat as I felt his warm breathe in my ear.

" We're going to have so much fun together this summer." He whispers.

I quickly put my hand on his chest pushing him away.

" What are you doing?" I ask him as he goes to opens the door to my house and he walks right inside.

Since he doesn't respond, I follow him into my house.

As I looked around I can't seem to find him anywhere.

I searched the living room, dinning room, kitchen and the family room.

I sigh as I realized that he is probably upstairs and probably in my room.

I walk up the stairs and as I round the corner of the staircase I bump right into Aaron.

We both go crashing down the stairs, on the way down the suitcase he was carrying rammed into my head making my vision blurry.

We land at the bottom, with Aaron lying under me. The last thing I remembered was hear him groan before I blacked out.





The twists just keep on coming!!!
Remember to

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