Getting Started

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*Samantha's POV*

"Mom, Dad I'm going and that is final!" I state.

"I'm your mother and I say that you're not going!" My mother shouts.

"LISTEN! I'm going! Being in high school is a waste of my time! I'm going to school for 6 hours, plus tutoring people after school for 2 hours and then I come home and you give me piles of papers plus my homework!! I'm learning things I would in freshman year of college!!"

They both stand there, hands in fists by their sides, jaw slacking.

"I'm going." I say firmly.

I give them one last glance and I grab the bag I packed and I'm out the door.

After we slept over at Aaron's house I went back home to pack a bag.

We decided to leave today so Aaron couldn't get to far ahead.

I told my parents that I had to go to Tampa because of something that inspired me.

Of course they both freaked.

Not at the idea of me going to Tampa to chase a silly dream job, but more the fact that I wasn't considering what they wanted me to be.

But ever since Aaron left, it's like everything is clearer now.

I've realized that life is to short to be someone you're not, that the people who love sometimes can hurt you the most and that.....

It's hard to say this out loud, because if I do then the world will change and nothing will be same.

Because I like Aaron.

I think I like him more then I realize.

And that the true meaning of why I'm chasing him and the fact that my best friends are coming with me just shows what we would do for each other.

It's asking a lot that they all come, but each one wanted to come.

Overall we have 8 people coming, Me, Chase, Jamie, Caden, Sam, Jack, Sloane and even Sophia wants to come.

Though Sophia is friends with Aaron, I think she is coming so she can hang out with Chase.

I slam the front door shut and I run out to the car parked on the street in front of my house.

It's just your regular trailer, we thought that if we were going to be in the car a lot, we might as well be comfortable.

Sam offered to drive while the rest of us try to figure out where the hell we are going.

Chase's family is pretty rich too, so he splurged on a huge trailer.

You walk in the door and you have a galley kitchen, behind it is the bathroom' after walking through that, there is a living space with two large couches and the one pulls out and there is a tv in the corner.

Then there is a bed past the living space and two bunk beds coming out of the ceiling over the couches.

Plus the two reclining seats in the front.

I open the door to the trailer and I climb in, entering the galley kitchen.

I walk through, headed for the living space where all the other guys are.

As I catch site of the people sitting down together puts a smile on my face.

Sloane is talking with a blushing Jamie and Jack seems to be talking sports with Caden.

The Road to Somewhere Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora