Running from the past

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*Aaron's POV*

We were having such a great time at the beach.

Everything was going great until we went to grab lunch.

Mia just couldn't keep her mouth shut.

Samantha tries to avoid the subject anytime I want to talk about Mia.

There is something that she's not telling me not I don't want to push her to say what's on her mind if she is going to regret it later.

I know all about that.

My parents used to send me to shrinks and doctors trying to get me to talk about things that were bothering me.

But that only made me want to bury them deeper down inside of me.

I don't like the idea of meeting a person and then being told to spill my guts to them.

But there is one person that broke down my walls and barriers very fast.


I feel like I can tell her anything and she will understand.

But her on the other hand has walls so high I can't even see over even with a ten foot ladder.

I've tried to make her feel like she can talk to me but I still think she doesn't completely trust me.

But that's okay I understand why she might feel that way.

When she told me that her past still haunts her in her dreams it made me upset.

I know what she is talking about, it happens to me too but I try not to show it.

But today when Mia started saying things in a twisted way I saw the pain in Samantha's eyes.

I don't even know what happened.

I'm just sitting here in complete and utter shock as Karen and Mia exchange evil smiles.

" What the hell just happened?" I demand.

" I don't know. Maybe she was embarrassed to tell her past to you." She suggests while chugging down her milkshake.

" No you said something to her that made her upset! Now tell me what you did or said so I can go fix the mess you just made."

She doesn't say anything just grins wickedly at all of us.

" We better go and find her." Chase says while standing up and walking out of the booth.

Mia and Karen start to get up but Caden places a hand on each of their shoulders holding them in their place.

" I think you two have caused enough trouble for one day."

" But we want to help." Karen whines, "We will go with Aaron and the four of you can go together to find her."

" NO!" I state firmly.

They both pout in their their chairs but obey our orders.

"Lets go find her."


*Samantha's POV*

I take a cab from a nearby fast food place all the way home.

I need to get into a somewhat familiar setting so I can understand what just happened.

I walk through the door of the hotel and into the front lobby.

I don't look but I could feel people starring into the side of my head, probably looking at my tear stained face.

The Road to Somewhere Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora