All Because of a Bus

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*Samantha's POV*

The way I dream of waking up on the first day of summer vacation is the birds chirping, the sunshine streaming into my room and no one around me.

But the people across the street have different plans for me.

They thought that it would be great if I woke up to yelling, clanging and car doors slamming.

I groan as I stumble out of bed to my window and peek out the side not wanting anyone to see me.

There were new people moving in across the street.

Okay, I didn't like the idea at all because the last person that moved from that house was my best friend Jennifer Crossings.

The thought that someone was moving into the house that my best friend had to leave did not thrill me because I always thought that one day she would move back in and we could see each other everyday.

I was pulled away from my thoughts when a car door slammed making me jump in surprise.

The girl who got out had long blonde curly hair and had a REALLY mini skirt on with a black crop top and a little pink purse.

Now it's not like me to judge people that I haven't met but I could just tell that she was like a clone of Regina George from Mean Girls.


I was just sitting on my couch watching The Fresh Prince of Bel Air when I noticed the time.

"Shoot" I whisper yell.

I need to get ready because I have track practice at 4:00 and it's already 3:30.

I quickly run upstairs and change into my favourite pair of Lulu Lemon shorts and a white T-shirt, I make myself a water bottle and I'm out the door.

I walk up the street to where the bus stop sign is and I wait.

It's was taking longer then usual for the bus to get here so I'm getting worried.

I turn my head to the left to look for the bus when I hear a car pull up beside me and honk.

I snap my head to look at the car and sitting in the front seat is a very cute guy.

He had beautiful brown eyes and brown hair that is wavy and a bit long at the back.

"Hello?'' The guy asks in a sing song voice.

Oh shoot was I drooling? I must have been! I consciously wipe face and apologize.

"Sorry ." I say, quite embarrassed, "I was just surprised that a car pulled up instead of a bus." I answer making up the best excuse I could not wanting him to think I was starring.

"Ha ok, I was just wondering why a pretty girl like you coming out of a house that looks like that, would be taking the bus."

"Don't you have a car?" He asks clearly confused.

"Oh I do, a-actually I-I I don't." I stutter looking down at my shoes.

I look up to see a smirk painted across his face.

"Well I'm just on my way to Johnson Arena, where are you headed?" He chuckles.

"Well I'm actually headed there too." I say with astonishment.

"Oh well then get in and I'll give you a ride."

"Tha-that's o-ok I don't wanna be a-a a bother."

"Now, now just because I'm irresistible doesn't mean you can't drive with me." And with that he gets out of his red convertible and opens the passengers side door for me.

It is now 3:45 and the bus still isn't here so I decide to let him drive me.

I walk around to my side and he closes the door as I get in.

As he begins driving down the street we sit in very awkward silence.

"Hi I'm Aaron Philips, I live across the street from you." He looks at me and smiles.

''Hi I'm Samantha, but you can call me Sam."

"Nice to meet you Sam." He says with a smirk. "

"So what are you training for at Johnson Arena?"

"I'm training for long hurdles, what about you?"

"Hockey." He replies simply.

After an awkward 15 minutes silence, we pull into a parking spot.

I go to open my door but it suddenly locks.

I snap my head towards him to see a huge smirk on his face.

What is with this guy and his annoying facial expressions?

"Can I help you?" I ask getting frustrated.

"How long is your practice." He asks.

"2 hours."

"That's perfect, then I can drive you home." With that he unlocks the doors and he hops out.

Before I get out of the car he pops his head in.

"See you in two cupcake."

So guys what do you think of Aaron?
Yay or Nah?

Remember to





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