First Journey

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Chapter 4

"Please think it over Lady Ji-Ahn." Yin begged behind me while I was packing the things I would need in my journey.

"I already did Yin." I answered him a hundred times already but he asks me a thousand times more.

"It's not like I'll be gone forever. I'll be back okay? I promise." He finally got quiet.

I turned to him and saw him expecting something.

"No. I won't do the Deal Kiss with you." His expression was laced with disappointment but I decided to ignore it and continued on what I was doing.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps from outside my room and rumbling noises. A few seconds later and the door opened.

"My Lady, is it true?!" Min-soo came in heaving a ragged breath.

I glared at our doctor who came shortly after. He sighed knowing he's in trouble.

"I'm sorry Lady Ji-Ahn. He was too persistent."

"My Lady, please answer me." Min-soo forced himself to get closer to me. I gave our doctor the 'look' and good thing that he understood.

"Don't overwork yourself Min-soo." I told him who was stopped by Jung (the doctor) from getting any nearer to me.

It's not like I don't want him to touch me, it's just I'm afraid that if he did, I wouldn't be able to leave. That's how important they are to me.

"It's very dangerous if you go alone. Please take me with you." He pleaded, struggling to get out of the doctor's hold but because of his injury, he could barely land a hit.

"Min-soo you're injured. If I bring you along, you'll just get in the way." I bluntly told him.

He was shocked at this but lowered his head when he realized I was right.

"Th-then please tell me what to do. You know that I only live for you." His tone was rather desperate that I can't help but to do what he wants.

"Get better until such time when I call for you. Take care of my things while I'm gone and don't ever think of me abandoning you." I stepped closer towards him and leaned over to peck him on the cheeks.

"The deal is sealed." I stated and smiled at his burning face.

"Why did he get a kiss and not me?" Yin asked, confused and slightly annoyed.

"Cause you don't need one." I returned to packing my things while he and the other two exchanged a few words of hate.

"How many days will you be gone Lady Ji-Ahn?" Jung asked, disregarding the two.

"Hmm.. weeks, months, years.. does it really matter?"

They all stared at me, stunned.

Did I say something wrong?

"Weeks?!" - Jung

"Months?!" -Yin

"Years?!" -Min-soo

"Uhh, yeah." I raised a brow at their reactions.

"Of course it matters!" Min-soo yelled, flustered.

I gave them a tight smile as I sat down on my bed.

"It doesn't, because I'll come back anyway." I crossed my legs before reaching for my red hair.

"Please let me do it." Yin came to my side and began braiding my long, straight hair. It reached my waist so it will take quite a while to finish braiding it by myself.

"The Wolf In Red Hair" AkaNoYona FanficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang