The Wolf's Ability

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Chapter 23

The boat has already started to move.

"Good, you're awake."

"Good for you, bad for me."

Why must I wake up to see such horrible face looking down at me.

Another kick must have landed on my stomach if it isn't for his men who came running.

"Lord Kum-ji! Four mercenaries group have been annihilated. Most of the pirates can't move either because of those monstrous men. They are sinking one ship after the next."


"The merchandise have been taken too."

"Damn that Gi-gan!!"

"Pfft.." I stifled a laugh. "Looks like you're in a pinch Kum-ji."

He glared at me.

"I heard someone from within the shipment guided the pirates here."


At least the pirates are getting along as to pass on that message.

"I see," he turned to look at me with suspicious, blood-lust-filled eyes. "It's your group, isn't it?"

"You flatter me Kum-ji." I flashed him a confident smile.

He has no proof that it's our group yet or if we are even a group so he is blindly blaming anyone who he thinks is suspicious.

"What are we going to do Lord Kum-ji? They are nearing this boat."

"Quiet you incompetent fools!" He yelled out and everyone cowered. "I won't let anyone destroy everything I've built all these years and besides, worst case scenario, we still have this girl." He sneered, grabbing me by the collar of my dress.

"Pretty face and unusual red hair will still fetch a high price."

"You scum." I spat at his face, earning a slap on the face in return. "Not the face..."


"Where is Ji-Ahn?"

"W-well.. Kum-ji took her."

"What should I do.. Ji-chan was unconscious when he took her. She tried to protect us and yet I..." Yona trembled from the thought.

"Calm down Yona. Ji-Ahn will be fine, I'm sure of it." Oh, it's that boat! Kum-ji and Ji-Ahn are probably in that boat!" Yoon pointed out and the two dragons immediately set out.

By the time Jae-ha arrived, and kicked the door open, Kum-ji, his men and Ji-Ahn were already gone.

"Damn.. Ji-Ahn you better be safe." Jae-ha muttered to himself, jumping to a higher place to search. Fortunately, he spotted a small boat that sailed away from where he is. On board were Ji-Ahn, Kum-ji and one of his men stirring the boat.



I looked up and saw green hair flowing in the wind as well as the arrow Kum-ji shot at him and burying into his shoulder. It was enough to shift his balance causing him to fall into the water.

The sight was so clear and terrifying that I can't help but cry out his name,"Jae-ha!"

I was alarmed.

What di he just do?! Why did he jump?! He won't die from that shot, right?!

"No... Jae-ha.."

My cheeks started to burn. I was so angry. Killing Kum-ji right now won't be enough to appease it.

"The Wolf In Red Hair" AkaNoYona FanficWhere stories live. Discover now