The Wolf's Past

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Chapter 11

Note: Flashbacks will be in Italic.


"Found ya!" I giggled as I saw Yona's discontented expression.

"No fair Ji-chan!" Her rosy cheeks puffed in annoyance.

She was hiding behind the thick bushes so
I took her small hands in mine and helped her up.

Yona and I have been friends since the day I visited the castle.

King Il had invited me so many times to play with her daughter whom I cannot say 'no' to.

The Princess and I have so many similarities and that includes our hair. Sometimes, when I'm with her, people will always mistake me as her twin sister.

At first, I took it as a compliment and I was pretty happy being linked with such an amazing person.


"Let's go find Hak and the others!" I told her and she chimed in.

"But I need to find something!"

"Fine, I'll help you but we need to hurry."

I grabbed her hand and she held them tight, smiling. The kind of smile that made me sacrifice myself just to protect it.

An approaching, crunching sound caught my attention and I turned towards it, expecting to find Hak or Soo-won there.

But the shadow that loomed over, made me push Yona back to the bushes earning a shriek from her.

"Ssshh, whatever happens. Stay here okay?" I instructed and she nodded, confused.

"Is that her?" A bulky man appeared, along with two other guards whom I haven't seen before so I'm guessing that they're new recruits.

To avert their attention from the bush, I began to slowly walk to the side.

Something's telling me that this won't end well for me but I have to try.

Even for my young age, I was already aware of the good and bad people in this world. But its not the same case for the Princess.

"What do you want?" I asked firmly, trying to sound strong despite my size.

"Is this the Princess?" The man asked once again and the other two hesitantly agreed, eyeing my backing form.

So they thought I'm the Princess?

Of all the mistakes, this had to be the worst of it all.

I mentally prepared myself to ran away but they already knew my plan and immediately seized me.

It caused a sudden adrenaline rush and I felt a little hazy. However, I managed to land a few hits on my captor.

"Let go of me! I am not the Princess!"

The two guards looked at each other and then covered my mouth with a piece of cloth.

"I am sure that this is her. That red hair proves it." One of them said impatiently, throwing me a glare.

Tears formed on the corner of my eyes as I desperately shook my head.

It isn't me!

"The Wolf In Red Hair" AkaNoYona FanficWhere stories live. Discover now