Lover's Quarrel

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  ♚Chapter 33♔     

"Enough!" Soo-won demanded which shook the soldiers to a halt.

However, it wasn't enough to pop my bubble for revenge.

I don't even care about the motive anymore, this is more like a revenge for making me feel sad and frustrated.

"Yue, think you can hold until I murder Kye-sook?"

My horse replied with a faint snort.

"Not gonna attack? Then I will!" I aimed at one of the soldiers closest to me.

If I continue on this direction, I'll reach Kye-sook in no time. But before that, I need to make sure Soo-won or Joo-doh will not hinder my plan.

I spoke too soon. I underestimated their reaction time because before I could land my first strike, Soo-won intercepted me with his sword.

"Don't get in my way, my darling Soo-won." I smiled. The dagger I directed towards his face smashed through the empty air in vain.

Oh wait, not his face. Anywhere but not his face. Stupid me.

"Ji-Ahn, please drop that weapon. That's dangerous."

"Why don't you drop dead instead?"

He frowned at my morbid sense of humor, deflecting another strike from me.

"That's not a very nice thing to say for a lady, Ji-Ahn."

"Oh please do excuse my rudeness, my King. Would you like a "go kill yourself" instead?"

He avoided all my attacks easily and swiftly. The gap of our battle experience was so obvious it's becoming painful.

"I can't die yet. I haven't even married you." He stated confidently amidst the blows I was giving him.

AHHHHHHHHHH!!! How can he say that in this situation?!

I can't help but become flustered. Damn it.

"This is treason, Your Majesty!" Kye-sook, unable to bear our façade shouted.

"Oh don't worry Kye-sook, Ji-Ahn and I are just having our little lover's quarrel." He waved at him, stopping on his feet before side stepping to dodge my incoming fist.

I was burning mad at this point, or more like burning with embarrassment.

"I've never seen such an outrageous lover's quarrel that involves swords and daggers." Joo-doh sighed, watching us as if we're fools dancing to entertain them.

"Geez Soo-won! Stop dodging!"

"But I'll die Ji-Ahn. Your strength isn't a joke."

"Say that when you actually receive my attack!"

He was on the defense all this time and it irked me.

As I thought, I cannot defeat him if I just play according to the rules. I have to do something on my own wolfish way.

With fake resign, I stopped my useless attacks and let my hands fall freely beside me.

I mustered all the experience I could and summoned my cutest, puppy eyes partnered with my undeniable pout full of charm.

Soo-won tensed, blushing at the adorable girl's malicious trap.

"Hey, Soo-won~" I blinked. "Die for me? ❤️"

"Seriously this girl!" I could hear Kye-sook and Joo-doh's protest of shame at how their little sister acts.

Soo-won let out a heartily laugh.

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