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Chapter 26

There was a comfortable silence, created by his silly confession. He had me in his arms so I couldn't even glance at his face.

I want to know what kind of expression he's making right now.

"Don't say random stuffs just because I'm vulnerable to your tricks right now." I sniffed. My tears were still flooding out of my eyes and I cursed my lack of control on them.

This is why I hate crying because once I do, I can't stop.

"You wound me sweetheart. You know I've always been genuine with my couqetry." He pulled away from me, staring deep into my eyes.

I felt a bit restless. For once, I seemed to have no words for the situation.

"Remember that one time I said I love you?"

I shook my head. "No, I don't."

"Ah, of course. You were drunk so.However, the fact that I do love you doesn't change."

Laughter slowly bubbles up inside me. Laughing even with the current situation is beyond my understanding. Maybe I'm just really tired from all the crying.

"Stop that. How can anyone possibly love me? I'm selfish and arrogant. I know that deep inside but I can't. I can't just smile and act as if I'm used to it. I still can't treat people nicely. Even now, I'm thinking of doing terrible things to Yona. I'm so hateful." My heart clenches tightly at the thought that I might really do it.

"What's wrong with that?"

I froze. I thought I heard him wrong but his firm expression says otherwise.


"It's human nature to be selfish and arrogant. We can't help but do crazy things for the people we love. And you're not selfish at all, if you were, why did you heal my wounds? Is that what a person who doesn't treat people nicely should do? And for you to admit your mistakes, I think that's very kind of you Ji-Ahn." He smiled.

It wasn't his usual flirty smile. It was a very genuine smile that made my heart flutter.

"This Soo-won guy, you've done the deal kiss with him right?" He asked out of nowhere.

I nodded my head. "What, jealous?"

He did not respond and instead, stared at me with such a flustered expression.

I ducked my head in suprise.

Ehhhhhhhhhhh? What?

"What the hell broccoli?! Why are you blushing!?"

Did I hit the bullseye?

Even I, am blushing now. Seriously this idiot.

"I can't help it okay? I just said that I love you. I can't just keep silent knowing that the girl I love has kissed another guy."

I stared at him in disbelief. The proud, handsome and skirt-chaser Jae-ha to be this honest is just too unbelievable.

"Do you realize that it's not just Soo-won right?"

"Oh yeah, my sweetheart kissed me too." He winked, proud of himself.

I kind of want to crush that confidence.

"I also made the deal kiss with my step-brothers, to Min-soo, my retainers, oh! and Hak too." I pointed to him, counting on my fingers for more impact.

And as expected, it gave a huge effect to his mood.

"I don't care. I was your last kiss." He sounded so bitter as if he doesn't even want to hear anymore of it.

"The Wolf In Red Hair" AkaNoYona FanficWhere stories live. Discover now