The Wolf Fools Everyone

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Chapter 29♔     

Fang and I were both silent on our way to the place where Min-soo would pick us up. He had sensed the agitation from the aura I was giving off.

Sighing at how pathetic I had become, I opened my mouth.

"Thank you Fang."

"I am nothing but your loyal servant. I don't wish for any acknowledgement." He answered so quickly.

"I see." I frowned.

"Milady," He called out to me, noticing my change of expression. "For you to make such a face, is it because of what I said or them?"

"What face am I making?" I asked him, a smile playing on my lips this time.

He examined my face for a moment, and then he heaved a deep sigh. "A face filled with guilt."

But I smiled though.

"Haha, I look horrible then."

"Do you regret it?" He asked in a prompt tone, inching closer behind me.

"What if I do?"

"Is that a yes?"

"What if it was?"

He stopped talking back at me and came to a halt. "You don't intend to answer me huh."

"Good, you've noticed."

He sighed for the umpteenth time.

"Fang, did you make sure she didn't notice that you pricked her with it?" I asked, making sure I am regretting things that is only according to my calculations.

He nodded. "What? You don't trust me? I thought if there's anyone who knows about my acupuncture skills, it would be you." he smirked as if instigating his wicked accomplishments.

That may be true. Afterall, it's what he uses to immobilize his human experiments. I gagged at the previous memory.

"I have to waste my precious medicine for someone I don't even care about." he complained, finally realizing its worth.

"A medicine that prevents the victim to feel any pain for a short period of time without sacrificing any body parts or organs. That is so cool Fang."

If you weren't a psycho, you would've been a genius.

Now that I'm putting it into words, it sounds like a similar but a little better version of my ability.

"Of course. If only I had kissed you longer that time, I would've had more test subject and time to perfect its effectiveness."

I paused on my tracks. "You piece of-, don't tell me that medicine was made from my ability?"

"Well, isn't it good that the girl will survive that fall?" He changed the topic.

As long as Yona is safe, I guess it's fine if I have to sacrifice a bit of my ability. "Ugh, you're disgusting. How did you even make that medicine? Wait no, don't tell me."

The conversation went like that until we reached our destination. Fang is a very domineering man. However, even if for a moment, I'm thankful that he cheered me up.

"My Lady," Min-soo politely bowed when he saw me. When he straightened his back, Fang's image finally came to his view. "Fang?!"


"Don't 'yo' me! What are you doing here?! And with the mistress too. Weren't you locked up?"

Fang looked peeved at his bold questions. I mentioned Fang has a short temper but he and Min-soo grew up together. He won't do anything to him. I hope.

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