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Chapter 20

"I'm here to rescue you Milady."

I really wanted to shake my head but was unable to, due to the fact that I wanted to hit his face so bad.

I was dumbfounded.

"I can save myself thank you. Now why don't you turn around and go back?"

He wasn't pleased with the way I greeted him but he shrugged it off with a smirk.

"No can do. You obviously need my help Milady."

"What the f*ck are you talking about?!" The thugs who still had his arm around me yelled and I flinched.

Like what the hell, his not so cute voice surprised me.

One moment after I was complaining inside my head, his arm was no longer touching me.

It was sliced off by no other than my faithful (hesitant) servant, Fang.

"Didn't I tell you not to lay your filthy hands on Milady?" He was pissed but rather calm for someone who just murdered a man.

Looking back, behind his shoulder is thug #2's corpse.

Now the guy who just touched me was on the ground, shaking at the sight of this corrupted servant.

"Death isn't even enough to atone for your mistake." Yang held up his sword and aimed for the guy's head.

"Okay, okay. That's enough. I know its fun to kill people but could you not do it in front of me?" I grabbed his hand, while the other stayed on my mouth.

Seeing blood makes me a little sick especially if it wasn't caused by me.

"Right. How rude of me." A snicker escaped his lips as he pulled me close for a hug, against his chest.

The sound of something slashing and dropping to the ground filled my ears as I realized he just rendered the man speechless. He sliced off his head.

Even if I couldn't see anything, my stomach still twisted in disgust.

This guy is indeed disgusting.

"Let go of me." I pushed him away.

"How mean. After I saved you this is how you thank me?" He took my hand in his.

"I never asked you to save me." I glared at him, pulling back. "That is to say, I never needed your help."

He laughed. "Feisty as ever I see. That side of you has never changed. Fine if thats how you want to play then I'll-"

My eyes widened as he tightened his hold on my hand and once again pulled on them that I almost tripped over.

The worst is yet to come as he aimed for my lips.

Good thing my other hand was free and I managed to land a hit on his pretty face.

"Haha, just like a kitten." He mocked.

"Fucking let go of me you bastard." I hissed. Irritation swelled up inside me and it took my best to control my emotions from taking over.

"A lady shouldn't swear."

"Damn you."

Not the best choice of words though.

He slammed me on the nearest tree and I instantly cringed at the pain.

"Just what did I say Milady?"

Oh god.

Can somebody please save me from this psychotic lowly servant who acts exactly like one?

"The Wolf In Red Hair" AkaNoYona FanficWhere stories live. Discover now