The Meeting

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Chapter 18

Hours had passed since I left Ik-soo's home and I'm certain that I will finally meet Yona and Hak.

I mean, I'm feeling really giddy today and not to mention I almost jumped out of my horse in excitement.

We simply followed their tracks, with the help of Yue of course. The credit all goes to him for I have no such thing as talent for finding lost people.

"Aw~ now he feels cold."

A familiar voice sounded followed by another one which I only heard of today.

Eyes sparkling, Yue matched my pace and we were able to reveal ourselves accidentally startling them.

"Yooonaaaa!!" I glomped her.

Hak was about to swing his weapon when he realized it was me.

Its not just Hak that was about to kill me though.

"Lady Ji-Ahn?!" They both exclaimed.

Sensing how we knew each other, the others relaxed a bit.

"I'm so glad you're both alive! Wait, what happend to your hair?!" I pulled away and examined her face.

She's still as cute as ever but there's this incomprehensible air around her.

"Oh I see," I looked around. There were new faces. "You hired Hak's babysitter?" I asked Yona.

She seemed to be hiding in her laugh while I suffered a temporary torment from Hak's glare.

"Hello there," I curtly bowed. "I'm Ji-Ahn."

"Yoon." The strawberry blonde girl whom I've seen carrying Yona spoke. We both stared at each other for awhile before...

"You're that snob noble lady (strawberry blonde girl)!" We exclaimed at the same time pointing at each other.

"I'm not a girl!"

"I'm not a snob either!" I shouted back. "I only wanted to help them both recover faster so I gave you those coins."

There was a pause.

"So you already know Yoon?" Yona asked and I nodded.

Next, I turned to the unsual silver haired guy and smiled.

He was a bit taken aback at this and blushed, bowing.

"M-my name is Kija! I-it's nice to meet you, Princess Yona's sister." He stuttered a little.

Wait what?


"No,no,no you got it wrong there snowflake. I may have the same hair like Yona but I'm not her sister or anything."

"Ehh?! I'm terribly sorry!"

"No need to be so nervous, thank you for protecting Yona and babysitting this stuck up guy." I pointed at Hak.

"Who you calling 'stuck up' you nosy girl."

"It's an honor , milady."


"Meeting you all is like a dream come true! Finally I could woah- what's that fluffy, ball of fur over there?!" I pointed at the unusual, masked creature and squealed.

It was my first time seeing a strange being so I'm quite excited.

"Wow, can it talk?" I never realized 'it' was human until Yona grew a pulsating vein which means I'm totally insulting the strange creature.

"It looks weird but it is actually a human." Yoon explained for me.

I kneeled down and looked him in the eyes, yes his eyes! They are wonderful and stunning!

Apparently, I removed his mask before he could react so I was able to take a glimpse of it.

"From now on, you're my favorite!"

He must have been scared from my outburst and covered his face adorably.

"Oh Im sorry. What's your name by the way?"


Ohh. What a nice name. Wait.

Shin-ah = moon.

Yue = moon.

I laughed.

"Wow, you have the same name as my friend here."

Let's not forget my awesome horse who helped me made it this far.


I smiled, and went over to my horse. "This is Yue. Looks cool doesn't he?" And of course.. the little show-off, let out a proud huff.

"He's so majestic." Kija's eyes glittered with glee.

"Can I... eat it?.."

I paled.

Did that adorable mushroom just said he could eat my precious potato?

"I'm sorry you can't. He's off limits. And well... he doesn't taste that good trust me."

Yue who got pissed, nudged me on my shoulder.

What? I protected your outer body mate.

"What are you doing here Ji-chan?" Yona suddenly asked.

"Yeah, I thought you were dead." Hak added in a monotone.

"You little jerk, did that fall messed your head up or something? Want me to push you down a cliff again?"

Before we could start a pointless fight, I hugged Yona once again and faced her.

"I followed after you two. I'm here to help." I explained, smiling.

Hak was irked.

"Go back, we don't need you here."

"You don't but Yona does." I stuck my tongue out at him and turned to Yona who was skeptical at my one-sided request.

"I promise I won't be a nuisance." I pleaded.

"The wolf and the dragon will meet once again."

A voice randomly echoed inside my mind.

"But won't your parents look for you if you stay with us?"

I shook my head, no.

"They're on a trip."

"Well if that's so.. why not? You can come with us."

I literally jumped in excitement.

"Princess are you sure about this?" Hak, being the little jerk he is, asked. "We don't know where she's from or the real reason on why she wants to join. She could be a spy."

"Oi, oi if you're gonna whisper about me at least do it properly you little son of a beast."

He really doesn't know when to shut up huh?

"If someone needs help, its obvious that I should lend a hand." Yona answered with a smile.

I cheered, constantly giving Hak a victorious grin.

Wow... is she really Yona? From the looks of it she changed a lot, not just in physical appearance.

I guess traumatic things really do change people huh.

If only Yona was like this in the beginning, I wouldn't have to hate her this much.

"So, what's the plan?" I asked and they became serious.

"To find the four dragons."


"And the pact between these two shall be rebuilt."


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