The Wolf Comes Out

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    ♚Chapter 28♔   

We quietly got back to the camp. I acted as if nothing had happened. Jae-ha also did the same.

The others were giving us a weird look, but I decided to ignore it and focused on helping Yoon prepare food.

My head wandered at my previous conversation with Min-soo. His revelation was what bothered me the most. I'd rather die than let them lift my rank. That rank is special to me and I won't let anyone take it away from me.

"Ji.. Oi Ji-Ahn!"

I perked up at the mention of my name. I turned to look at Yoon who was looking in shock at something below me. I followed his line of gaze and saw my index finger bleeding. I was spacing out while cutting some vegetables that I did not even notice the pain.

"Are you stupid?! Why are you spacing out? What if you cut your finger?!" As usual Yoon was very motherly. I smiled at his concern.

"Hak, take over here for a second. Ji-Ahn follow me." Yoon stood up and I followed suit.

"It's okay Yoon, I'll take care of her. I'm not really a fan of thunder beasts cooking." Jae-ha interjected, and I unintentionally clung on Yoon's arm. Everyone fell silent.

Oh god. What the hell am I doing?

I felt everyone's gazes on me before shifting to Jae-ha. It was so awkward.

"Big brother, what have you done this time?" Kija broke the silence.

"Oi green dragon, you didn't do anything indecent, did you?" Hak also joined in.

I didn't mean to avoid him. My body acted on its own which is even more vexing.

"I didn't do anything!" Jae-ha said out loud, trying to clear his name.

"Sorry, I was just startled." I let go of Yoon. "It's okay Mother. Jae-ha is right, Hak's cooking is really bad so you should go continue what you were doing. I'm sorry I'm not much of a help."

I ignored Hak's complains and hurried over to the tent to grab some bandages before heading for the river.

I washed my hand with the flowing water and flinched at the sudden sting. How did I not notice I was about to murder my own hand?

"What was that for sweetheart?"

And now I was thinking of murdering myself as well after hearing his cursed voice.


"Let me take a look at your hand." He crouched beside me and showed me the palm of his hand. Am I supposed to take that?

No way.

I hid my still bleeding hand behind my back. There was a moment of silence.

"I told you to show it to me, didn't I?" Jae-ha smiled but it hid a menacing aura. He was pissed at my reaction.

I'm not even sure of what I was doing. I wanted him to care for me but at the same I'm scared that if I do, something terrible will befall both of us. This isn't like me at all. I am being too sensitive. It's probably because of the bad news Min-soo had brought me.

"Sweetheart, I'm just gonna look at it." he egged in a sweet voice.

Why does he have to be so...

I stubbornly shoved my hand on his. It was bleeding nonstop like crazy. I guess the wound was really deep huh. Shit it hurts.

Jae-ha had a look of panic on his face. He must have never expected the wound to be this bad.

"Look, your hand is bleeding this much and you're still being so stubborn." He washed my hand with water and I bit my lip. "I'm sorry, bear with it for a while."

"The Wolf In Red Hair" AkaNoYona FanficWhere stories live. Discover now