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Ever wondered how the world will end?




Well, then I can tell you it happened because of all of them. But who would ever believe me when I said that the world ended because of two life forces who climbed into a meteorite, and waited until we were sixteen before crashing down onto Earth and turning everyone else into savage Humanoid dogs that like to eat Human flesh?

Yeah, I didn't think you'd believe me either. No one really does.

It's been three months since the end of my life, and things have been great. Deaths have rocketed by the hundreds, a deadly disease has strangely orrured, and people keep on turning into dogs and Hell Hounds. See, it's great!

Of course, it's obvious it isn't.

I have spent a month already, with a headache that has been causing me vivid pains in my head, causing me to pass out most of the time. From past knowledge I now know that it's because I haven't mated Josh, which believe me, I wouldn't mind, but then again, it's just gross. I mean why the hell would I knock up a guy just because of a headache! That's just unreasonable! But then again, when I talk about it with my life force all she says is:

Just shut up, Katherine, because it's nature, and when nature wants something, it'll get no matter how pissed off you are at it.

Those words are now like my ultimate ego, since, in some weird way or another, it's true. I couldn't change the fact that my life force is right, no matter how much I want to her to piss off back into space and never return. I can't help it, and I don't think my mate, Josh can either. His life force is overly protective and possessive of me, ever since the little encounter with Cooper, a Level Two Bender. His life force matches Josh's, and yet they're fighting only for me. I mean, come on. Why me? I might be a girl, but that doesn't mean you have to kill someone to get to me, just to knock me up! That just stupid...

But not in the world where I come from.

You see, when we're born, an injection is planted into us to get rid of our life force. A life force is a spirit, in other cases - the soul, in which our deepest thought and emotions lie. A life force, is the spirit that makes us Human.

Of course, scientists found out that with a life force comes, a little more than he or she had expected. If you have a life force, you have a power. Fire, Ice or Water, Earth and Air. Elemental Bender's were classed as a stupid Level One. Level Two's include Lighting, Aether, Gravity and Light. It sucks I know, but that's just the way our life force is made.

So after they injected the world with the injections, our life force had to leave us or die completely. So Humans lost what actually made them Human; they lost their souls. If that one way of putting it, though.

Me, you ask? Well, I was just like everyone else in the world then. A blank, Humanoid who believes she was Human before a meteorite almost squashed her and the cute boy who landed body first on her face. Joshua Thorn was his name, my old friend and mate. Yes, the mate I was talking about earlier.

When Josh and I both touched the meteorite - it was a piece that was broken off - he didn't know that we gained the ability to use force fields. Not only that, but inside the metoerite, was two substances. The Ice gem, and the Liquid lava. I know, Liquid lava is just stupid but, that is what the official name we came up for it.

But like being the stupid, naive people we were, I touched the Ice gem, and him the Liquid lava. It turned out, because of our life forces info, that we were drawn by it. It could only be touched by us, since inside each substance was our life force. When I touched it, it had glowed, sending ice up my arm as the power of my life force absorbed back into me, and it send me into the ruins of the building that the meteorite had crashed in. Josh though was different, his life force thought it was funny to pretend to be a snake and slither up his hand and into his throat. It not only freaked him out, but had made his subconscious mind believe he was dead!

Okay, remember how I mentioned Hell Hounds and dogs? Yep, well would you believe me if I told you they were Human beings? Of course not!

To be clear on what I mean, it's simple. The meteorite that Josh and I's life force took a ride in, had a the power to create a toxic cloud. Anyone who breathed in the cloud and didn't belong to our life forces, were transformed into hideous creatures that resembled a man-wolf with sabor-tooth teeth, and gigantic eagle talons to butcher you into little sushi. The two people who did belong to the life forces were immune to the toxic cloud, no matter how much they breathed in. Hence, the reason why Josh and I didn't turn into savage dogs.

They're two different species of dog that we have discovered so far. Sabor-toothed dogs - which we just call dogs, and are the ones that only stand on fours - and Hell Hounds, which are something out of nightmares.

Dogs were born, Hell Hounds were bitten and transformed by a virus in the saliva. Ha, that just sounded like I was describing what zombies do!

Anyway, Hell Hounds didn't fully transform into a dog, but remained permanently in the middle. This gave them the ability to stand on their hind legs, making them some weird half breed savage thingie. Not only that, but when I encountered them, I discovered that a Hell Hounds blood contains acid like substances that dissolve iron and plastic, even glass! Hehe, that's what Josh's fire did when he tried to kill me. That's another encounter in the many numbers of encounters during that first two months of this weird Apocalypse.

Okay, so I think I've covered the review on what happened in the last three months. Which is a lot. Not to mention, it's been three months since our little colony has eaten anything, and let me tell you, I've only stared to become hungry during the second week of the third month! I guess our stomach' should out much longer than normal, with our life forces.

Oh well!


HELLO, MY LITTLE FANS! How's the Prologue, good, not good? Tell me what you think by commenting!

Okay, so this is the second book! I also think I did this in what, like ten, fifteen minutes!

So I added like, heaps upon heaps of info for you guys! I know like some of you must have been confused at how the students transformed into dogs and Katherine and Josh didn't, but in this, I hope I had explained it!

COMMENT, AND PLEASE VOTE! It'll only take you a second if not less, to just click that little star! Remember, this can mean a lot to me!

OKAY, I promise I will update as soon as I can. But this second book isn't my top priority for now like my first book was!

Okay, goodbye and adios!


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