Chapter 25

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I stand there gaping like an idiot, not even processing the fact that I'm looking at the man who ruined Josh and I's life. My storm swirled and I just couldn't move, I was frozen.

Cooper finally took the time to respond while I just stand there still, gaping at him like a total bimbo.

" How have you been?" He asked.

I scowled, and I fought the urge to jump him. Did this man who ruined my life, just ask me how I have been?

" Good no thanks to you!" I snap.

Cooper's expression got hard, unpredictable. " Taylah has been going crazy shit talking about you. She's in the Stadium if you want to see her-"

I stop him dead short, and glare at him rudely. " If you think you can think you can bypass the fact that your an evil lying fucker, I'd like to talk to my lawyer about this horrible situation that we're in."

Cooper chuckled darkly, and I smiled. " I see you've gotten more guts to stand up to me, and you've gotten much taller."

" Yeah, and I see you haven't changed a bit." I mumbled.

Cooper nods. " Exactly! Now, how's Josh? You've been seeing him, and I think he's not going to leave you alone anytime soon. If you want I can tell him-"

I looked at him incredulously. Did he seriously just say that right now, like right now?

" What the hell? Just cut to the bullshit Cooper, because I've had enough your lame crap. Why are you here right now, and what do want with me?" I shout out, raising my eyebrow at him.

Let me kill him, my life force urged.

Don't, not yet. You'll have your chance when he spills, I reply usng our bond mind link.

Or when he tries to get in between your legs? Either one, I won't play submissive, he'll have to.

I couldn't help but smirk at what she said. She is just so like me! Which is a bad thing!

" Alright, I will cut to the bullshit. I want you to leave your claws out of Josh's chest. If you won't I will have to force it out on you." He warns, trying to size me up.

I scoff. Before when I was small blonde and inhuman Katherine, I would of backed off because I would be scared that he'd hurt me. Now, I was nearly level with him. Josh was taller than me, and probably stood at the same height as Cooper. But I have my life force with me to help.

Don't forget sweet revenge, and if he doesn't back up right now I will use my claws to completely obliterate his face! My life force snarls inside of my head.

" Don't try to size me up Cooper, because you will lose. I'm sure you've noticed that I've changed" I say, crossing my arms.

Cooper smiled, and grabbed my wrist. " Trust me darling," he said, pushing me against the wall, " I've noticed."

I tried to push against him, but something in me cowered at his presence. I turned to my storm, but it was fizzing like a fizzed soft drink bottle.

What the hell, I thought you wanted to kill him? I shout out to my life force.

I do, but his presence is powerful. It's like Josh's... He has his life force.

Well shit!

For how long? I ask desperately.

My life force pauses for a moment, increasing my heat rate.

It seems that he's always had it Kate, he's a Level Two Bender.

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