Chapter 27

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It was a while before we got out of the corridor, Josh was staying close to me incase the boogeyman jumped out from the corner. We entered the Stadium, and I looked around for my friends. I had asurred Josh that I'd be fine, and he hesitated before leaving to see if he still had friends here.

After walking around some more, I finaly saw familair brown hair. I run up to Sarah and choked her in a hug. " Katherine, stop! Your gonna choke me!" she said, trying to get down. I put her down and we hugged again, without the violent squeezing.

She looked at me crazily. " Woah, Kate what happened to your hair? You definetly got the Elsa look but I didn't think you'd take it seriously!" Sarah exclaimed, touching a strand of my hair.

I slapped it and made a weird look at her, which makes her giggle. " No touching the merchandise! Especially since I am freezing cold!" I say, as we both laugh. Suddenly I see Brad come over, and give Sarah a hug.

" Hey Kath- wow you've gotten hot!"

Sarah slapped him on the shoulder. Brad instantly looked sheepish. " Well, not as hot as you of course." He replied, as I smile.

" I thought so." Mumbled Sarah, just as Brad hugged her again. I smile again.

" Any way, how did you get here without being eaten by the Human dog zombie things?" Brad asked, while hugging Sarah.

I shrugged. " Been there, done that, messed around I killed some dogs and knocked some out. Climbed a tree and saved a cat, saw a person with a bat. Not really the last part, but I meant the first part and I just needed a second sentence to add a little effect!" I rhymed with a little jungle of my hips.

" If you saved a cat, then I would of loved to watch!" A voice came from behind me and I couldn't see the face until it pulled me into it's chest. Warm, little sparks making my life force purr. It's our mate, she purred.

Josh kissed my forehead, and I leaned my head against his chest.

" Uh, Kate? Who's the hotty?" Sarah exclaimed. Josh and I laughed and Brad and Sarah laughed as well.

" Josh, you know Cooper's bitch." I joke.

Josh tickled me and I squirmed out from under his hold, but he just brung me back. " I heard that, Kate!" He said, his voice calm and gentle.

I chuckled. " I know, I just wanted to see your reaction!"

Josh scoffed, and turned my head up so he could kiss me. It was short but blissful, dazzling me in perfect happiness. Despite the horrible events that happened today, there at least were some good things about today.

I heard a cough from in front of me, and Brad and Sarah looked at us as if we were Alien's. In some ways, we were.

" You too, really are love stuck! And I thought that was figurative!" Brad laughed a little as he said this.

Josh smiled. " Yep, and it's better to be with someone you love, than to worry about someone you hate. And right now, you are on my 'egh' list. In other words your iffy!"

I scoffed at him and hit him lightly on the arm. " Don't be such a bitch, Josh. They're my friends, not my enemies." I sate.

Josh shrugged, stepping away to give me space. I needed it as well. " Like I said, he's iffy for me. I don't mind the girl-"

" Sarah." I interrupt.

Josh continued as if I didn't say anything. " I don't mind Sara, it's Ken I'm worried about."

Brad narrowed his eyes at Josh, and I felt my life force growl. " Is he calling me gay?" Brad asked.

Josh smirked really quickly, it was so quick even my heightened senses weren't fast enough to see the proof. " Only if you want to believe it."

I laughed, and Brad stepped forward. Sarah pulled him back and glared. " Brad, he's just playing around."

Brad shook her off. " I don't care about Jacob. He had no right to say anything about what I am. I'm straight thank you very much, and also I'm taken. So don't look so desperate!" Brad growled out, clenching his fists.

Somehow, he reminds me of Cooper!

Josh stepped forward in front of me as if to protect me. " Look no offence but even if I was gay, I'd rather hump a tree stump than Ken the Barbie slut! Which is you." Josh stated simply, his face grim.

Brad growled and stepped forward to push Josh, and he dodged simply. Sarah stepped in front of him quickly, placing a hard hand on his chest. " Don't Brad, it's not worth it. Josh is just playing around, and I'm sure he never meant it..." Sarah stopped to look at me. I could already tell that she was begging me to help her.

I sighed and pushed Josh forward, which he didn't budge. " Tell him your sorry!"

Josh shook his head, and crossed his arms like a three year old. " No, he started it!"

I growled, because both me and my life force were annoyed. She commented with a growl. Fix him up before I take control and punch him please, she growled.

I will, I reply.

I looked at him, and he instantly put his arms down. " What's wrong? Why are you taking it out on my friend?" I ask. I knew it wasn't his fault, since he just got out from a fight. His life force is still agitated, and any male whether it's Human or Bender, he'll defend me if he'll have to.

" I don't know Kate, I'm just tired." He replied.

I put his chin up, and gave him a genuine smile. " Tell him sorry, and then you can rest okay?" I suggest, and Josh have a brisk nod before turning back towards Brad.

He crossed his arms and looked down to the floor. " I'm sorry I called you gay." He said it as of he were just forced to say sorry! Wow, his life force really is a fucking idiot.

I could never agree with you more, my life force commented.

Brad nodded. " It's alright, besides I kind of deserved it. I was making fun of Kate, and I was flirting with her even though I have Sarah. Forgive me bro?" He asked.

Josh looked up and cringed. " I forgive, just don't touch me or I will not hesitate in punching you. This," he pointed to himself. " Is V.I.P only!"

Sarah and I laughed, while Josh and Brad stood there looking at us weirdly. Before O knew it Josh whispered the most disgusting thing ever. " And as far as me being bonded goes, your the only exception to touch me!"

Now this, is much better!

I sigh, sometimes I really hate my life force.

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