Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Christina screams.

I gasp.

Josh just stares.

George honesty looks like he is going to pass out.

We all stare the three Hell Hounds, who are also staring at us baring the serated teeth. One in particular caught my attention. It's eyes were full of hate, and it was staring straight at me. The Hell Hound was smaller than the other two. Than the thought hit me.


" G-Guys, one of them's T-Tessa!" I stutter. I couldn't beleive it, and neither could Josh by the looks of it. He was staring at me naively. Well than he is just dumb.

"Guys, Katherine's right. I-It is Tessa!" George agrees.

One of the bigger Hell Hounds growl, taking a step forward. I think this ones a male. The male Hell Hound lunges out at Josh. Josh dodges, throwing an acid fire ball into the Hound's thigh. The Hound's flesh sizzles and melts, and a shrilled whine yelps out of the dog. It hurts my ears, and Tessa lunges for the male Hell Hound. With one sniff he howls, like a Wolf. The other male - I think - howls as well. The calls are replied by others.

I curse under my breath. That shit bag has exposed us! I can't wait to send her now dog body into Hell! Becuase it's where she belongs; it's already in her species name!

I throw out an ice ball and Tessa dodges it, her eyes transfixed on mine. Her growls were low and intimidating, but all I could hear was a ring in my ears and a storm in my stomach.

I bear my teeth and shout out words I don't know that I knew, and pelt out ice balls. Tess manages to dodge everyone of them. I stamp my foot and ice shoots out. It's moves much faster and it spreads everywhere, and soon the Music building balcony turns is covered in ice.

Tessa roars at me and swipes at me, and I dodge with ease. I don't know why but I'm feeling great! I feel like I can run around the world three times and than run a marathon and come back smiling and laughing my head off. Not even out of breath.The adreniline rush I'm getting is feeling amazing.

I throw an ice ball at Tessa and it hits her right back paw. She yelps and wriggles it. I throw another one at her head. The ice ball misses by an inch and flies though the air and into the unsmashed window. Tessa follows the ice balls and it disintegrates, and Tessa whines as she steps back with her ears bent back. I take the chance and let out with a scream what ever is building up inside of me. The force field hit's Tessa and she it carried back several feet down the sloping balcony, until she hit's the top of the black fence.

The spear-like top of the fence pierces Tessa back. The fence's tip's push out until Tessa's body is half way down the bar-like fence. Blood is trickling down the bars and onto the ground in a gory mess. I gag.

I quickly turn around to see Josh, Christina and George cornered by the two other Hell Hounds. I shout out as the wounded Hell Hound's turns around to face me. It whines as it sees Tessa. I turn back around and I see white stuff coming out her. Was she pregnant? Than I watch as he blood starts melting the fence. Acid ichor and blood trickle down as well as her white plasma.

I gag again. They mated not long after Tessa had Turned! Disgusting! The wounded Hell Hound bares it's teeth ferociously, and takes a full sprint after me.

In a flash I don't know how I did it, but that storm that was building up inside me took over my body. My hands made some sort of ice spear. I threw it and it wedged itself in between the Hell Hound's chest. The Hell Hound gave one last cry before it's eyes rolled back.

Suddenly I was back in control, unsure of what just happened or what I just did. My ice was sculptured into a spear made out of ice. Cool!

I look over as Josh clapped his hands together and a wave of fire crashed on top of the Hell Hound and it melted away. That was so cool!

Josh was next to me in an instant. He was checking me if I was okay. " It's fine, Josh. Hey, can you stop it!" I growl out annoyed. Josh sighs and justs brings me in to hug me. I growl out I protest, and then my storm starts subsiding away. Why? Why does the storm inside go away when he is near? This si such a cruel world!

Josh brakes away from me as Christina and George run over to where we are. George was still shocked by the ordeal. Chistina loocked just worried.

" Katherine, are you okay?" she asks.

'" Yes, I am. How about you?"

" I am fine, but George isn't. One of the Hell Hound's scratched him with there talons."Christina replies through a deep breath. I nod, relieved. Besides George's small injury we're all fine, thankfully.

" Okay, Let's start to head off. " I say with a sigh.

We turn around and walk down the sloped balcony, and say our silent goodbye to our temporary refuge. We walk pass Tessa's speared body. George however, stayed behind looking at her dead body. I turn around and walk towards him. Josh sensed that he needed time with me alone and pulled Christina back. But I nodded with a smile and continued my way towards him.

" Is that really her?" He asks, as if he knew I was there. I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Why wouldn't it be?" I ask back.

George turns around and stares at me desperetly. " Becuase I don't think she is."

" Well, at least you can mourn her death. You do love her. " I say stubbornly. I force a smile, but George doesn't even budge. His face is still pale and full of surrow.

George shakes his head. I can tell this is hard for him. " I don't love a monster. I don't love a Hell Hound. I fell in love with a Human Being, not something out of a nightmare. Tessa died before she became a Hell Hound; she died a Human to me. I will mourn the Human Tessa, not the monster she has tuned into. " He said coldly.

Before I could reply, George walked away. He didn't even look back. I did.

" See you in Hell." I say gloomily, and go to join the others.

We start walking around the gate, and enter the gate part into the Stadium. Just across the carpark is the entrance into the Stadium. The entrance to safety. We keep on walking until we reach a corner. I stop abruptly and so do the others. I inch my way slowly towards Josh, who was at the front of the group.

He flinches as I touch him, but calms down as he wraps his strong arm around my waist. There were dead Human bodies everywhare, rotting flesh hit the air. The pungent smell made my eyes water and my stomach churn. But there was something else as well. There were dogs, lot's of dogs. A dozen to be exact. Eating the rotting flesh of the dead Humans.

" Oh God." I say. " Not again."

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