Chapter 4

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Josh and I were laughing as we walked back the locker bay. We separated and I got out my bag. I put in my books that I needed to take home. Once I was finished with that I locked my locker, and put my key back in my skirt pocket.

Josh was already sitting on the bench waiting for me.

"Hey, you ready?" He asks. I nod, with my bag on my shoulders. It was heavy from all of the homework I had gotten from my Science teacher, Mrs Alweather. She was nice, but was a little creepy at times.

We walked together and sat down on a bench. The bench was unstable, and the chipped wood from years of rotting had made it even more untable. I wonder how long this bench with stay intact before someone with wreck it, or it gives up on it's own?

Josh smiles at me, and I give a small one back.

Look I know that I was mad at him, but I couldn't get past our conversation. We were talking about Si-fi movies. I love them, and I hate chick flics. I'm sorry but I do, I'm not a girly-girl. They make me want to throw up.

"Yeah but the thing is the aliens weren't shown. So how do you know they are black and big. What if the aliens are small and weak?" I ask.

Josh shakes his head. "They show them when the father, the daughter and the son were hiding from them. I watched it several times." He confirms.

"Yeah and so have I. But still though. They could be guard aliens, and the real aliens-" I start. Josh interrupts me. We were arguing about whether they showed aliens in the movie War of the Worlds. I loved that movie, and I've watched it several times as well.

"They're still aliens Katherine, you said it yourself. Guard aliens." He said, putting emphasis on the word 'aliens'.

I roll my eyes and Josh laughs. I brake out too, and soon we were both laughing heavily. It good to be back together after two years of ignoring. But I was still aware that we could never be the actual good friends we were when we were younger. We might never forgive echother fully for what had happened two years ago, but for right now it was the best of my day.

I stop, whipping the tears from my eyes, as we settle down. Laughing so much had caused my eyes to water, which does happen.

"Okay so you win. We should get going anyway." I say. Josh agrees and we both pick up our bags. I thrust mine over my shoulder, and we walk away from the rotten bench.

We were walking out into the front of the school.

"How do you think the world will end?" Josh asks. The question was a debate honestly. I didn't know. It could be anything. But what would bring that up? Did he see the movie 2012 and wondered what would happen? I have also seen that movie - it was the best movie I will ever see!

"I think it will end in fire. Or a gigantic tsunami. That it will crash on to the land and we will be surrounded by sea." I say.

Josh nods thoughtfully.

"I think it will be because of a meteorite. Like the one that killed off the dinosaurs." He thought.

I nod in agreement. Any one of those could be right. I mean like who knows.

We were walking on the last patch of grass before we walked out of the school when I looked up and I saw something in the sky. It was a rock, and it looked like it was fire. Is this a bad time to discuss the apocalypse?

"Hey, Josh?" I ask, pulling him back so we stop. We just stopped at the end of the patch of grass. About three meters ahead was the gates. People alined out of them, and there were three buses waiting for the rest ofr the students who needed to catch it.

"Yeah." He replies.

I swallow and look up. The thing in the sky was getting closer, maybe it was my imagination.

"What if you were right? What if a meteorite killed us, what would that make it?" I ask. He must had seen the desperation in my voice because he looks up as well. When he looks back down he is also wide eyed. Okay so I wasn't crazy.

"That would make it J two and K zero. So I would be in the lead." He says, looking back up. I do too. It was almost as big as the Sun that was east of where we were looking. Which in summery is huge.

"Wait you see that too?" I stutter. He looks down at me again and nods.

I breath a heavy sign of relief. "Oh good, because I thought I was crazy."

I wasn't crazy. Or we could both be crazy? But I look over and see everyone else looking up at it. Ok so we're all crazy? Right?

The ball of rock was on fire, and was very close. Josh started to pull back towards the school. I struggled in his grip, I saw everyone else starting to run back I to the school.

"Josh, can you stop." I say, trying to yank out of his grip. He held me tighter.

"Kate, it's not safe. Look I said I was right so I have my rights." He notes, while pulling me across the patch of grass. I struggle and pull the opposite way.

"Rights of what? You don't own me, your not my boyfriend." I state, which makes him stop and loosen his grip on my arm. I yank it out, as I watch him look up. I look up and scream.


The last thing I remember was Josh jumping on me as the meteorite collides with Earth and the toxic cloud as it spreads over us. But what makes me puzzle over more, even more than the meteorite and that grey cloud? It was that as it hit Earth, it created some sort of nuclear energy...

Like a force field.

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