Chapter 2

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The bell rings and I snap out of my thoughts. I sigh and grab my stuff, heading out for the door.

Everyone was pushing and shoving, as I was. I finally got out and sighed.

Walking to the locker bay I hear my name getting called out.

Sarah ran up to me, practically choking me in a hug. I moan and nearly drop my books.

She let's go when she hears me.

"Sorry Kate, I am just so happy. Me and Jamie are taking the next step in our relationship. He asked me out!" She screamed.

I forced a smile back at her to show that I was happy, but really I was going out of my mind. "Good on you. I told you you'd get someone, if you stopped acting like - you." I joke.

Sarah gasps and hits me in the arm, and I laugh. Jamie wasn't a bad kid. Although he is like seven inches taller than me and calls me a shrimp. It isn't my fault I have dwarf legs!

"Yeah well you know what, at least I have a guy. You Katherine have no one. Besides with your eyes I was pretty sure that you'd get someone." She reassured.

She wasn't joking about my eyes. Unlike other girls who either have, blue, brown or mixed coloured eyes. I even saw someone with a green eye and a blue eye. His name was Vincent.

My eye colour was violet, very different from my parents. It wasn't a purple violet, more like a very dark blue violet. If that makes any sense. My hair was a dirty blonde, which made my blue eyes look natural, but they really aren't. I was short and weak. No wonder no one asked me out. I was a dwarf with no muscles.

But an attitude that can kill.

"Yeah, and Sarah with those breasts I was sure you'd be pregnant already." I joke.

Sarah scoffers and hits me twice as hard. It hurt but I couldn't stop laughing. We both laughed as we made our way towards the locker bay.

I pulled out my bag and shut the door. I sighed quietly. Tomorrow was Tuesday and the day that I had sport. People call it Gym in America. But in Australia, which is where I live, we call it sport.

I moved over to the drinking taps and drank some water. For mid-autumn it was a warm day.

I was drinking when I felt someone tap my shoulder. Maybe Sarah or Taylah was there.

I turn around and nearly spit out the water I still had in my mouth. I swallowed it and looked at him.

Josh was smiling at me, looking straight into my eyes.

I swallow my water and move out of the way. I don't want to talk to him.

But he followed me and fought up to my fastest speed. Curse me and my dwarf legs.

"Hey." He greeted.

"Hey." I reply blankly.

I didn't feel like talking to him let alone being next to him.

"How are you?" He asks casually.

We were walking down the pathway, that lead out to the front of the school.

"Good." I sigh, and slow down my pace.

He walks in front of me a bit before he realises I had slowed down.

We walked in silence for a bit before he breaks it. "Kate, speak to me. What did I do?" He asks.

I didn't answer him as we stopped on the side of the road, waiting for the 'lollipop man' to signal us to pass through. I walked in silence until he stops me and turns me around.

"Katherine. Look I never meant to hurt you. I just want to talk. You know be friends again." He admitted.

I just look at him. I narrow my eyes, and he shakes me. "Will you answer me?" He orders. I could hear his voice rising. He was about to yell, or trying not to.

I sigh and decide to answer him. He was looking at me eagerly.

"You did nothing to me to hurt me. I just want to know why your talking to me?" I finally say.

I start walking again and he catches up.

I breath a sigh of relief, knowing that I didn't have to hold it in. But I felt strange butterflies not knowing what he could say.

Josh paused before answering, being careful for the words he says.

"Because your my friend." He clarifies.

I slip, almost falling backwards. Josh holds grabs my back, and keeps me suspended half off the ground. My arms were around his neck, and his face and mine were inches from each other.

"Why would you say that?" I ask shyly. At that he flung me up, and started walking again.

I had to run to catch up to him. We were crossing over the bridge, when I finally stopped at his side.

"Are you going to answer me?" I ask. He doesn't.

I groan. He looks at me, with his normally warm brown eyes. Now there cold.

"Exactly what was going through your mind when you said that to me?" He asked coldly.

I gap at him.

"Everything. Yesterday, you acted like I didn't exist. Today your talking to me like you actually care." I admit. Josh abruptly stopped.

I stopped as well and turned around, and I saw his jaw clench and his hands turn into fists.

"Kate how could - when didn't I care about you?" He asked through gritted teeth.

My butterflies started again.

"Yesterday, the day before that. Two years ago when you left me standing there alone and feeling like shit!" I yell.

With that I turn around and run to my house. Five minutes was hard on my lungs, but the tears were definitely going to make me slow down if I didn't stop. When I got to my house, my mum was waiting for me. I cannot deal with her now!

"Hi darl, how was your day?" She asks politely, giving me a smile.

I couldn't tell her what happened today. I couldn't let her know about Josh. She doesn't even know that I even know him.

"Good." I say. I close the house door, and my mum just nods and walks away.

I sniffle and chuck my bag on the couch, taking out my bag. I start getting my books out for homework and then I dash upstairs.

I run into my room, and brake out into many layers of sobes.

Why would Josh say he was my friend when he left me? I stopped crying when I noticed his weird behaviour after what I said. Why would he clench his fists? Why would he grit his teeth?

Is there a secret that he hasn't told me?

Hey guys, thanks for reading my second chapter. Now, there won't be many Authors Notes, and I will only do them to let you remember who the characters are and all that.

Sorry if there is any mistakes that you may find.

But like I said thanks for giving me a chance and reading it!

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