Chapter 6 (Josh's P.O.V)

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I shout her name as I watch her being flung into the brick wall. Katherine had touched a blue gem that could turn things into ice. After she had touched it, the gem had glowed and it sent her into the brick wall. I run over to her and shake her desperately. She was out cold and pale, and I check my hands. I had dipped my hands into some sort of lava like substance, and when I touched it I didn't burn. The liquid seemed to have gone so I use both of my hands to shake her.

Katherine's arm that held the stone was covered in ice. It went all the way to her forearms, and the ice glittered in the daylight. There was a small amount of daylight in the debris, but the sunlight still found it's way through the ruined ceiling.

I look over to Katherine's hair. Her hair strangely was turning white. Not all of it but some bits, and it stood out easily on her dark blonde hair.

I look over at the stone, I pick it up and wait for it to glow. I want to feel her pain, I want to help her through it. All I had to do was hold this gem and wait for it to glow and send ice up my arm. It doesn't. Why only her? Why did she only get hurt?

Instead I bring the rock out and shove it in my bag. We both left our bag close to the entry point of the building. I grab the meteorite and bang it against large clump if rock and red liquid that lay on the floor. The gem shattered and broke apart. I got some and shoved it in my bag, as well as in her bag.

I knew I shouldn't be even touching her bag but I can't let myself of get all the credit. I shove twice as much as I have in her bag. With that I keep on staring at red lava-like liquid that kept oozing out of the broken meteorite. I dip my hand in once more.

Why is it not hot for me? I can feel the heat that it gave but I couldn't actually feel it. It's like sticking your hand above steam. You can feel the hot feel to it, yet you couldn't feel it. It's like that and it was weird. Really weird - almost like geting thrown into a wall by a rock. It can't get any weirder right?

I take my hand out and wince a bit as it lands on my leg. Okay so it can hurt? But why on my arms and hands doesn't it? I know this stuff has come from outer space and all, but I still don't get it. This is all weird.

I flick it around so it can get off. I had put my whole forearm in, and I could feel the heat it gave off still. I shake my hands, and then wipe the left of the substance off me. But then I scowled. I still have a bit on but somehow, it just disappears. I stand there shocked, and I check my arm just to make sure that it didn't drip off. After a moment of looking, I am convinced. It really did disapear.

Like I had nothing there.

I shook my heard as I make my way back to Katherine. She was in the same postition she was a few minutes ago: still, un moving, like a statue.

I feel her temperature and almost have a heart attack when I feel her skin. It was ice cold. What was even weirder was that the ice had completely disappeared from her right arm, which was the hand she was holding the ice gem in.

Yes that is what we'll call it. The ice gem. But what about the liquid? What will be suitable to call it? Maybe we can call it space lava, but that just sound's stupid.

Suddenly, I hear Katherine moan and she moves her hand, and it rests on my thigh. I should be nervous or embarrassed but I'm not. I sigh, and fold my hand over hers, regardless of the freeze her hand is giving me. Her hand is already starting to numb the feeling of mine! But I don't think of it. Instead I lean over to her forehead and kiss her.

"I wish you knew the truth." I said sadly.

It wasn't her fault she doesn't know the real reason I left her. If I told her she would want to call over Cooper and ask him. Then Cooper will get mad and I will begin another fight. Two years ago she thought I had left becuase I didn't like her. But I did. I still do. I still love her.

I was about to stand up when I collapse in pain. My legs buckled and I collapsed on the hard debris floor, knocking the wind out of me. I cry out and realise that the pain is coming from my hands. My hands felt like acid.

I look over to them and almost scream at the horror of watching my hands burn and sizzle. The skin peels back and blood surrounds the inside. The red liquid came out of my skin and swirled up my arms. It moved swiftly up my arm, despite my desperate attempts to shake it off. I try to shake it off but it wouldn't go; it just kept moving up, it's orange-red tint flashing an eeire glow in the sunlight.

The lava liquid reached my face, and I choke as it enters down my throat. I could feel my throat burn, and soon enough I felt the most sudden pain in my entire life. It was as if my heart was burning, and I realsed then that the lava liqid had reached my heart - and it was burning. The next thing I know is that I'm on the floor next to Katherine knocked out.

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