Chapter 21

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I walk around silently, my head turning towards all the sick and all the injured. It hurts me just to look at them. I gasp at the sight of a year 7 with a cut along her stomach, bleeding intensly. I start to feel this urge to help her, and I ran up to the teacher who's sitting next to the injured girl. I sit down oppisite to the teacher, and I realise that she's crying.

"Excuse me miss, but what happened to her." I ask in apolite voice.

The women looks up at me with sad, distraught eyes. " Marie has been attacked by one of those dog things."

I sigh, tears stinging at my throat. It is so sad, to see this girl with so much life; for it to be bled out. I want to help her, I really do.

" How did this happen?" I ask. Obviously I knew the answer, but I want to make the teacher feel better. The little year 7 - Marie - is moaning, and crying at the same time. She looks so much in pain."

The teacher looked up at me again. She sighed, and wiped a straining tear from her eye. "Marie was brought here two weeks ago. She and I were hiding for a while, before I managed to bring us both here. BUt as soon as we steped out on the carpark, there were heaps of those dogs things. They were eating students and I - and I..." she mumbled in a quiet voice.

" You don't have to go on," I say," If it's to hard-"

The teacher cuts me off, looking at me with desperate eyes. "No! I-I need to tell you! I don't know what's come over me, but I just feel like I can tell you anything!" she pleaded.

I was somehow shocked at this ordeal, but nodded for her to continue. When exactly have I been a person to tell gossip to?

" Anyway, we walked out on to the carpark and the dogs looked at us. I could see it in their eyes, you know. Their hunger for Human flesh. I did my best to disract them, running away from Marie as she hid behind an abandoned car. I thought all of them had come for me, when I heard her scream. I turned around, and so did the dogs. They started heading over to where Marie had screamed, leaving me nehind as if I was never there. I followed the dogs, when all of a sudden I saw a faint blue light coming from inside the Music building. I didn't know what it was but I sure didn't like it."

I sat there wide eyed, and replayed the last thing she said. I followed the dogs, when all of a sudden I saw a faint blue light coming from inside the Music building. She saw me use my special force field. But she saw it from far away, not close enough to see inside windows that are small. I hope she doesn't see my face right now, and I hope to myself that I don't have a ridiculous face on. I must look as ridiculous as I feel!

" I followed the dogs, and that's when I saw them. I saw crowds of teachers standing around something. I got an intstinct that it wasn't a dog, and I was right. It was Marie. She was bitten in the arm, and there was a deep slash in her side. Tears feel to my eyes as I sank down next to her, and cryed. I stayed like that regardless of the world around me. I stayed there regardless of the enemy that lies out there, waiting... watching." the teacher said, tears had reformed in her eyes.

She put's more pressure on Marie's cut, and Marie screams. The teacher starts mumbling hushed words to Marie, and a tear spills.

" I'm sorry. It must have been hard for you. You sound like you know her very well." I say.

The teacher smiles - just a hint. " Very well indeed. I was there when she was born." she says.

I stare at her, cocking my head to side as I try to make sence of this. The teacher was there when Marie was born? Weird.

" What do you mean?" I ask, dumbfounded.

The teacher's smile grows a little bigger this time. " I'm her mother."

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