Chapter 4

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After Matthew left, I didn't really know what to do anymore. So I found Christina. She was talking to another girl, around eighteen.

I had obviously stumbled on an important conversation. They didn't notice me yet so I decided to listen.

"What do you think of Matthew?" The girl said to her, giggling.

"Hot as hell. And those eyes!" Christina exclaimed.

Wow that's different, Christina was a tomboy last I checked. It was a bit strange to hear her talking like that.

"Oh I know it seems like he can make any girl fall in love with him. Even Kate." The girl said.

At the sound of my name I was interested. Since when was I interested in Matthew.

Like five minutes ago, my storm grumbled.

Shut it, I hissed.

I wasn't in love with Matthew, I barely knew him besides that he knew nothing about. Well he did have nice eyes. Nice face, he sounded kind and had a lot of muscle. And terribly hot.

Now you shut it, my storm swirled strongly.

Sorry, I replied.

"How come we haven't left this school yet? Where is the military? Why aren't they here?" The girl asked.

"Because they're all dogs now, and those who aren't are Hell Hounds or just managing to survive." I say, now choosing to be in the conversation.

The girls face turned grim. "You're such the pessimist Katherine."

My gaze turned cold. "I don't mean to be rude, but who are you?"

"Eliza, I'm part of the Circle. Christina recruited me."

Bad decision, I think.

Agreed, my storm said.

"Aren't you dating Josh?" She asked.

"No, I'm not." I say, crossing my arms.

Christina looked at me, and smirked a little. "I thought you were though?"

My storm swirled in anticipation for my answer, probably hoping it was a yes. She ain't getting it!

"No, we're just old friends that have grown close over this whole ordeal." I say, shrugging it off.

Eliza looked me up and down and smiled brightly, but in her eyes I saw a different emotion, one I couldn't pick up. "Well if so then I'd like to say that Matthew and Josh are pretty close when it comes to who's hotter than who. Josh can park his shoes under my bed anytime."

I took a moment not to become mad, because the jealousy, the envy in wanting Josh was a little too much for my body to handle. We weren't dating, that was true, however it didn't stop the want I had for us touch, his body on mine, the constant need for his presence around me. Without him, I was weak, and I get that familiar piercing headache that happens whenever I start having a dizzy spell from my condition.

I coughed a little and smiled a little. "If you'll excuse me, there's somewhere I need to be."

I leave them be and walk through crowds of people and open the door, to go down the corridor where the bathrooms are and where the last door, two small doors with a small glass panel to see outside into the closed off courtyard.

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