Chapter 10

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With that we start to move, and quick. George helps up Tessa and we go towards the side way. There is two entrances to Learning Support, the front and the side which is on the left.

When we step out of the narrow walkway, we are sheltered luckily by another two class rooms. Once Josh signals that it's clear, Christina and I follow, Tessa and George close behind.

We turn around and head towards the Music area where the Drama and Music classrooms lie. The side entrance is next to the Drama classrooms, and the two classrooms that were in front of us were the Music classrooms. We have a big school, and now I just hope it's size keeps us covered enough.

I don't want to risk showing normal people Josh's and I's powers just yet.

We walk past the first classroom and I stop dead short as I eye a drinking tap.


I push down on the handle and swig the fresh liquid. Oh it has been so long.

" Guys, here. Make sure your hydrated enough to keep going, I think we will have to sleep here tonight." I whisper quietly.

Christina turns around and nods. She brings George and Tessa first.

George is the first to have a drink, and Tessa struggles to drink. George willingly helps her, and she finally manages to take slow and short sips.

When she tells George that she's not thirsty anymore, Christina comes forward.

" Josh." I whisper.

He doesn't answer. He is too busy looking at the path like a hawk, to see if there will be any dogs.

" Hey, Josh?" I whisper, my voice getting a bit louder.

He still doesn't listen. Which is making me annoyed. Christina has finished obviously, because she is staring at me and everyone else.

" Josh, can you like stop looking at the wall. Come drink." I say, taking a few steps towards him. He doesn't even catch it - how dumb and blind can he get?!

Oh wait - when I said 'Come drink' it sounded like I wanted him to drink alcohol! Oops! But I sigh a sigh of relief since he didn't turn around and glare at me! But nevertheless, I am mad that he is ignoring me.

" Hey twit can you stop picturing naked girls and come drink some fucking water!" I scream.

This time he turns around, and glares. Haha I said that before. I am psychic, aha, oh yeah! I smile as I watch him stalk over to me and grab me, and he shoves me into the wall. I hear Christina gasp.


" Who you calling a twit you slutty bitch?!" Josh snarls.

I smile wider to try and make him more angrier, and it seems to work!

" Yes I am a slutty female dog. Like the ones who strip off their fur and get paid $30 just to dance on poles. Anything else you'd like to add?" I retort with a wide cat smile.

Josh made a really intimidating growl.

Wait a second...

" JOSH!" I yell, and throw him out of the way as a dog jumped for us.

Tessa and Christina screamed and I grabbed Christina's and Tessa's hand as I pulled them further into the Music area.

We soon are lead to a clearing were all the classrooms - including the main big one that holds like four other classrooms inside, which is the building I wanted to sleep in for the night since you can lock the doors - and I hear Tessa scream again.

I turn around and I see two more dogs run into the clearing. Thanks a lot Tessa!

" Oh shit! This is more than I'd it would be!" I hear Christina say. Josh was ready to pounce and fight.

I was pressed up against the concrete wall, with George and Tessa behind me. Christina however was in the same position Josh was in. In her hands I saw a gleam of silver. A cutting knife like the ones we use in Tech.

That sneaky little genius!

One of the dogs snarled at Christina and pounced. With a swipe her hand she jabbed the dog in the chest with the knife and the dog yelped, hot sticky blood trickling down her hand and onto the ground.

The dog thrashes in the air and Christina shoves the dog to the ground, where she tugs the knife out and stabs it in the dogs neck. The dog twitches a bit before it stops moving. I watch as it's eyes roll back and it goes limb.

That's when I notice one of the dogs than start to whine and run over to the smaller dog.

Christina jumps back. I leave Tessa and George and walk over to Christina, where sits crouched, her blood stained knife in hand. I crouch down in a similar position and watch cautiously as the other dog come towards the dead one.

They sniff, and sniff. Before one of them howls, and it isn't one that Renaia made. It sounds hurt. Like if there in pain. The other one joins in as well, and I feel Christina's hot breath in my ear.

" There probably mourning their female. You know, see how the two dogs are bigger. The small one must be a female, and it must be pregnant. It's stomach is bulky, and it is much bigger than any of the females I've seen. " Christina whispers.

I look at her weirdly.

" That female was once a girl. She still would be if this stupid Apocalypse didn't happen." I replied, tears straining my eyes.

Christina hugged me. I hugged her back.

" Okay guys. You've had your make up session, now can we please focus our attention on that!" I hear Josh shout.

We stop and stand up, looking at the two dogs. They were growling, even more than. But they weren't attacking. She were bearing there teeth, but not attacking. It was as if they were waiting for instructions, which was - weird.

But that was when I heard a inhuman growl. It sounded like a dog, but it also sounded like a scream. What the hell is happening to the world today? Oh yes that's right - I almost forgot!

We all backed up where Tessa and George were, as another dog jumped down the building and walked towards us.

But is wasn't a dog - well not entirely. This dog has longer and slimmer legs, but it's arms were short making it unstable to walk on all fours. It arms and legs were outlined with hard and strong muscles. It's snout was shorter, and it's ears were more smaller and rounded. It's teeth was the same, but overall it looked - human.

It growled as it unsteadily walked towards me. I just wanted to throw an ice ball and run away screaming. Like I said before, not that part.

It stopped inches away from me, and both Christina and Josh were watching causiously.

I stepped forward and the dog held it's ground. It looked up at me, and I saw it. A spark, it was small but it was there.

I gulped as it looked down at my legs, and then I watched it.

It stretched up it's legs, and it's back. Soon, it stood up on two legs, like one of those Werewolves that were considered ugly.

Now it was as big as me, if not bigger. And all I could say was, " Nice puppy!". Before it literally roared in my face.


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