Chapter 9

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Josh and I are very cautious when we walk into the school. We don't want to attract attention from the dogs.

Josh pulls me back and we both lean against the wall.

" Josh, what's wrong?" I whisper.

Josh doesn't answer. He just keeps on moving slowly towards the canteen. I follow him, and my bag is really starting to annoy me.

I was about to just walk into the canteen when I almost scream at the dozens of dogs fighting and growling and eating - the dead Humans that were probably killed from the attacks from the dogs.

" That." Josh points towards them.

I gulp and we just stand there. I have no idea what to do.

" What are we going to do?" Josh asks, starting to back away.

This question annoys me, since I have no idea.

" I don't know stupid, so why ask me?"

He just shrugs, and moves across the entry way. Actually there is no entry way. Our canteen is outside, under a shelter area. It is really big, and the entry points are like everywhere. The entry point we are at is south west of my classroom in J4.

We are now on the other side of the entry point, which I believe is stupid. Why move to the other side - we were in the right side before now we are on the left side of the entry point - when you can just run away screaming your heads off.

Okay, maybe not that part.

" I have a plan. If your willing to hear it, it's up to you. But I was just thinking, if we made our towards Learning Support and go through the Tech entry way, we could then go through the back of the oval."

I nod in thoughtfulness, seeing how it is a reasonable idea.

" But the dogs could have also taken up that spot as well. As well as the oval. I mean like what if there is like three hundred dogs on the oval, we would just be killed before we even got half way across it." I state.

Josh shakes his head. " We're not going on the oval Kate, we are only wanting to go the long way around. Even if there is dogs, we will be able to take them." He reasurres.

He holds a ball of fire in his hand to prove his point. I roll my eyes, boys.

For all I know he might want to be killed.

We quietly and quickly make our way towards Learning Support, and run into some people. People!

" Oh good, finally we aren't the only Human Beings left! Hey are you okay?" I ask.

There are three people, and there all hugging eachother. When Josh came towards them to help them, they backed away and cry out. Are they scared of us?

" Hey, we won't hurt you. I'm Katherine and that's Josh. We're here to help you."

One of them finally brake away from the other two and stand up. It was a girl in Year 10 like me, and I knew her. Christina Wattlefeild. She had red hair and brown eyes, and little freckles here and there. She was muscly and liked to play Soccer like me. We both had the same build - but I know she doesn't have powers like me - and we have been friends for a while now.

" Kate, your alive!" She cried, running towards me and squeezing me in a hug. I hug her back, feeling so relieved that one of my friends are alive.

We pull back and I wipe the tears out of her eyes. She does the same with me, and I smile.

" I am so glad you are alive too."

Christina smiled as well. We hug again, and Josh pulls me back.

" Christina how did you manage to escape the dogs?" He asks, letting me go.

I go back towards her and we both help up the Year 8 boy and when I go to help the girl who I think is in Year 7 I gasp at the gigantic scratch on her left leg.

" I woke up about two hours before with a big bloody graze on my head like you can see now. I was walking around inside the school when I heard screaming. I ran towards the screaming and I scream as well. There were two dogs attacking them, and I had to help. I was about to shout out when I heard a feral howl from somewhere at the front of the school and the dogs ran away towards where it came from. From that I took the chance to run away into Learning Support. They followed me here."

Josh and I look at eachother. That was the howl that came from Renaia and those were the two dogs as well as the scrawny one that attacked us.

" What happened to her?" I ask.

Christina sighs and she get's down on her knees. I do as well as does Josh.

" One of the dogs scratched her with it's big eagle like talons. She has a fractured leg because of it. It is already infected." Christina informs.

I go to touch it and the girl cries out and the boy hugs her.

I step backward in surprise, but Christina smiles like it was no biggy. No biggy? She has lost it I bet.

" She's scared of you. She thinks you are a Changer." Christina comments, smiling a cheesy smile that makes me just want to slap her hard.

" A Changer?" I hear Josh ask from somewhere next or behind me.

" Josh remember Renaia, and how she changed into the dog. That is what Christina meant." I say simply. I turn around to face him and he gives me a look, I stick out my tongue to give satisfaction.

" It seems you two know each other. Are you dating?"

" NO! NO NO NO! We are - um..." We both yell in protest.

Christina laughs, and I giggle in an awkward way. It was awkward!

" Ok well, obviously we can't stay here for the rest of our life. We have to move." I reason. Christina nods in agreement, and I silently say 'yes' in my mind.

" It's true Christina, we do need to. Unless you want to get eaten with the rest of them." Josh agrees.

The Year 8 boy stands up, and the girl is still clinging to him. I think there dating!

" W-We can go to the Stadium. I-it's like a s-safe house. I saw some p-people run into it." The Year 8 boy stutters.

I smile, and so does Christina. We both take a step closer towards him.

" What's your name?" I ask.

The Year 8 boy gulps, and I feel sorry for him. Is he really that scared of us?

" G-George, and this is Teresa. But I-I call her T-Tessa for short. She is shy a-and doesn't t-talk often." George informs.

Christina and I keep on smiling - he is just so cute with all of his stuttering!

" Ok then George, so you think Tessa is strong enough to walk?" I ask lightly.

George nodded, and Tessa looked at him rudely.

" No I am not George! My leg is broken and I have to put up with them now! Christy, please make them go away. It will only be a matter of time before they turn and eat us!" Tessa snarls.

So much for ' Shy'?

" Well, I'm sorry but I think where just trying to help-" I start.

" Yeah, well you've already helped. Now go away! You'll draw attention and we will be eaten. I can't walk for goodness sake and your already pushing me around, saying that I have to go!" She glares.

I give the girl a nasty look - and the meanest one I can master. This girl is a total bitch.

" Look, Tessa I don't know why your acting like this. I am just trying to get you to live another day in this world. But if you rather not let me help you than that's fine. I will use my powers for good, not to save some mean bitch whose words are two big to fit in her mouth!" I snap.

Tessa stares at me, and I can hear Josh laughing his head off. I turn around and glare at him. He only stopes, looks at me and starts laughing again - even harder!

I wait for her to answer but she doesn't. Christina sighs and looks up at me.

" Than we're all on agreement then, we move now."

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