Chapter 15

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I wake up slowly, my eyes narrowing at the broad daylight. I take in my surroundings, slowly.

I was definitely still in the Music Building, but a face was there. Short brown hair, hazel eyes teary and bloodshot. Have I done that to him?

I was still pretty dazed, and I wasn't sure if this is a dream or not. Probably is - hey maybe I'm dead! I could be, but I would rather not think about it.

Wait, I am thinking about it! I am alive! But... How am I?

" Kate...?" Josh asked.

My eyes slowly focus on him. Josh looked like a mess, his hair was in all directions and there were tears falling down his face and his eyes were red. I thought men said that men don't cry - I'm gonna get a lawyer that's a man and ask him that question. So he can defend his own story. You know, becuase he's a lawyer!

" Yeah, I'm here... I think." I struggle to make out the words, but Josh seems to have heard them.

" You should't have scared me like that. But your lucky your healing had healed you almost instantly, otherwise I would have lost it." Josh smiled.

I took in the news and I was left there speechless. I quickly sat up as I took it all in. But your lucky your healing had healed almost instantly. What did he mean by that?

Wait, what do you mean? I just woke up, and shouldn't I be feeling pain in my throat? Like it is on fire?" I question him. I look at him with curious eyes, and stare at him. Everyone says that my eyes are very intimidating, so I want to try and put that in good use.

"Hmm?" I pressured.

" No not exactly. After you sent me flying straight onto the piano, I went over to you and I almost went red again. You were all bloody, boils were here and there and just big blisters covered your neck. Your hair however-"

" What about my hair?" I ask desperetly. What did that bastard do to my hair? If I find out that it turned blue, than I'mma gonna knock him around so much that it'll make him see Jesus! I keep to my word as well!

" Your hair is white."

" WHAT!" I scream. I stand up start pacing around the room until I find a clear window - one that hasn't been melted or dinted by either my fat head, or Josh's deadly acid lava fire thingie - and stare at my image.

The girl staring back at is not a girl I reconize.

He hair - well mine - isn't dark blonde anymore. It is pure white, with my dark blonde tips. It's looks horrible! But that's not all that has changed. My figure has changed too.

Unlike my hair the skin of my legs and arms is tan, and is rippling with mucles. In the chest department I have more of a models figure now. My lips are full and pink, my eyes have strangley turned more the colour of Amethyst than just there regular dark blue. They look much prettier than before. My neck I can see has fully healed. It's just my normal skin, no blisters or boils of any kind like the ones Josh described. Nothing at all.

I turn around and stare at Josh who's staring at me. We stare at eachother for a while before Josh closes his eyes and looks away. " Told you." He said sheepishly. I giggled as I made my way over to him.

I stare at him with my new and improved eyes, and flutter them. I don't know what I am doing but I can't help but feel drawn to him. His hair was pretty spiky, his hazel eyes staring at me with... lust. His big mucles that were never there before. Before the Apocalypse he was like a skinny twig. Now he is like a strong, main branch that every little flower wants to bloom on. I know, really bad analyogy but hey I get what I mean!

"Josh, I just want to say sorry for punching you in the nose and making you go all diva." I say. Josh had his hands on my wrists, and he is now so much taller than me. But unlike normal my dwarf legs have grown. I can feel it in my step. I feel taller, like I have grown several inches taller. I feel proud as well. But maybe all I got was bigger boobs and a more sexier body, which I am equally proud of too!

" It's fine Snow White, but next time just remember something. Since the time we both got knocked out and to the time that where here now, we have changed. Not only do we have powers, which have gotten much more stronger. I couldn't melt glass the first time I got powers, and I'm pretty sure you couldn't use space force fields either." Josh smiled as he said it.

I scoffed. " What a way to brag about yourself and call me weak at the same time. If there was a medal for 'State of the Art bitch that likes to brag about everything possible!'', you'd definetly be the first person that comes into mind."

Josh chuckles. " Yep and if there was a medal for bastard sluts I wouldn't be sure of who to choose. You or a cow."

Now it is my turn to laugh. If that's the best he can do, than he can watch me go strip naked with antler horns and run around the school at midnight saying 'YOLO!'.

" Choose the cow definetly. It suits your personality. And besides, the medal might attract bulls with your medal on them too!" I reply.

We both laugh, and I lean my head against Josh's chest. I stopped laughing and notice that my head is still rested against Josh's chest. I pull away, and stare at him. Before I can prepare myself for the moment his lips crash onto mine.

I was shocked for a few seconds, and then I felt me kissing him back. The kiss was sweet and soft, Josh's hands on my waist firmly. Our lips moved in synch, and it was actually... nice! I had to admit that it was my first kiss, and Josh felt way too experienced. Josh starts to pull me back, backing me up against the wall. Next to me on my right was the smashed up piano, where I made Josh land on. He said that I used space force fields. What did he mean by that?

I was too caught up in my thoughts to realise that Josh's hands were sneaking under my polo top, my hairs prickling up. I don't know why but my body was warming up to the idea of him touching me. Like fire and ice attraction. But my brain thought otherwise. It was screaming at me saying 'What the hell are you doing Katherine? He is the one that abandoned you, he is the one that left you crying. Why are you kissing him when all he has ever done to you was cause you pain?'

I pulled away and moved away from our heated makeup session. My breathing was ragged and out of breath, and I sat down on one of the classroom tables. There was one question in mind that I wanted to ask.

" Why did you really leave me?"

Josh moved over towards me and sat dow next to me on the table. I stared at him, waiting for me to answer. He only stared down at the floor. Really? We kiss - disturbingly - and all he can do is look down to the floor. I thought I had better athority than that, guess not.

"Josh, why did you really leave me?" I repeated.

He still didn't answer me.

" I swear to God Josh, I you don't answer me-" I start to say.

I can hear him mumble something under his breath, but I couldn't hear him. "What? I can't hear you."

" I said I heard you! I heard everything you said, I'm not deaf." Josh shouted at me. I was a bit shocked by that. I didn't think he would yell at me. I sigh and move closer to him to comfort him. I put my hand on his and he flinched. He turned to look at my hand on his, and moved his own hand to close around it securly.

" I heard what you said the first time, and I blanked out. I didn't know what to do, but I know that I can't keep it in anymore. I have to tell you the real reason I left."

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