Chapter 7

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I wake up disoriented and unstable. My head was swinging in different directions.

What a weird dream, I think.

I stand up and normally I would expect a door and walls to be there but there gone. My room is gone.

When I open my eyes I am welcomed by rubble and the meteorite that destroyed my life and everything in it. I scowl and walk over to by bag.

I open it up and decide to do my homework. I would rather be occupied than be sleeping and gagging on the polluted air.

I finish my maths sheet, and I wince as a bit of brick pricked me. I kneel up and take it in my hands. I growl and I gasp as the brick turns to ice.

How did I do that? The rock wasn't even in my hands. The rock! What did it do to me?

How could I turn it into ice? Than the flashback hits me.

I was about to say something when the blue gem glowed and it sent me flying.

Flying into the brick wall. I bang my head and collapse. The last image I see - or a few images to be exact - was Josh running towards me.

And the stone that glowed in my hand send ice up my arm.

I touch my head, and it came back with blood. Dry and wet. I gag at the sight of it. My stomach was queasy, since I have a sensitive stomach when it comes to blood and bones.

At least Josh doesn't have blood on his hands. Josh!

I am startled that I didn't notice him laying in a crumpled heap on the ground. I rush over to him and shake him. He moans and turns over.

"Josh, Josh wake up." I nudge. His body was hot - not in that way but I had to admit, he was attractive - actually it has too hot. It was as if his body was in fire, the heat was radiating off him in a mirage.

Josh moaned and slapped my hand. I gasped and rocked him again.

"Mum, if you don't stop it I will fail the rest of the semester. Mum!" He moaned. His eyes popped open and he stared at me wide eyed. I stared him back.

"Your not my mum! How did you get in my house?" He asked. He looked around and smiled.

"Never mind."

I giggle. I give him my hand and open it out to him, so he could get up. He went to grab it but stopped. He pulled his hand back and checked it. He shrugged and grabbed my hand.

We stood up. Josh brushes himself off. I follow him as he walks to his bag and pulls out an apple. I felt this sudden need to take it.

I try to grab it off him but he just pushes me away. I wince and touch him. Josh shouts out and drops the apple. I don't get it though.

He takes of his jumper and pulls up the sleeve. On his shoulder is a layer of ice. My ice.

"What did you do?" He asks. I don't answer of course. I stare in horror as the sheet of ice melts on his shoulder.

"I don't know. It happened earlier on though. There was a bit of brick that was poking my butt so I got it out and held it. It went to ice and I dropped it. I thought it might have something to do with the rock." I suggest.

He nods and flinches as his shoulder suddenly is cast to fire. He pats it down and shakes. I scream and try to find some source to stop it from burning him. But abruptly he stops. He touches the fire, and it goes onto his hand.

He laughs as he plays with it, and I gap at how it doesn't burn him.

"H-how are you doing that?" I stutter.

Fire, Ice and the Apocalypse (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now