Chapter 3

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I was mad, beyond mad. I wanted to go, he couldn't stop me, even if he tried. Ok maybe he could, but he is my mate, not my boss.

He might be he leader of the Circle, but he isn't the leader of me or my life.

Just like, ugh. I clenched my jaw, and went to go to the steps. I sat down, putting my hands over my head and taking a deep breath. My headache was still bad, and my storm felt weak.

I struggled and willed the tears that have already started coming, to go away. I can't deal with this, I just can't.

I wish there was just some way, just one way I could get stronger without mating Josh. He doesn't deserve to save me, I still can't forgive him for what he has done.

Leaving me because of Cooper, that asshole. Cooper was just as a big of an asshole as Josh was a snob. It turns out we weren't the only one who got our life force, he got his too. How he did I wasn't sure, but he is classed as a Level Two Bender because his life force's power was outside of the Earth's elements. Level One Bender's used only the elements of the Earth, drawing the energy of the Earth in able to manipulate the elements.

In my opinion, no one could fully control the elements, as the elements belonged to the Earth. We were only able to manipulate the elements using our own energy. But a Level Two Bender was able to use Earth's energy and manipulate that. Cooper's life force used the electric currents in the air to create what in a scientific sense was lightning. Electricity is all around us, it is a part of the Earth but it's energy isn't the fantastic four as they say.

Level Two are not necessarily stronger than Level One , but they can manipulate Earth's energy on a different energy field than ones that use the elements. This energy field is what Level Two Bender's draw their energy from, or thier life forces in order to get thier power. The Primary energy field and Secondary energy feild is what Earth uses to keep life around us alive, like the ozone layer, that is a part of the Secondary energy field. Not a part of the elements but a part of the Earth still. Although the Primary energy field is what we walk on, the Earth's soil, what we breath in, Earth's oxygen, what we drink, Earth's water and what we use in order to create new life and for homes as such to keep us warm, Earth's heat and fire, is smaller than the Secondary energy field.

I know right? Weird, but it's true. The Primary energy field has fantastic four, but could you believe it, so does the Secondary energy feild. This is Electricity, Ether, Gravity and Sun's energy. I will elaborate on this. Electricity is what Cooper's life forces power is, using the electric currents that swivel all around us, and that allows him to absorb this, so he is permanently available to this source. Ether is the matter made up of all living things, whoever's harrnessed this power will be able to manipulate matter itself, and we all know there is an unlimited supply of that. Its also what we call the ozone layer, but that different. Gravity, what keeps our feet to the ground, however has this power can manipulate what stays on the ground and what doesnt. The word telekinetic is where this comes from. The Suns energy, uses the light and heat of the Sun is order to burn and insinerate anything, and there is an unlimited amount of that so thanks Sun. Another thing, the Secondary energy field has resources that actually won't ever run out. The Primary energy field however does.

Water and ice can melt and evaporate, Air can be compressed and be blown away by radiation so bye bye clouds, Earth's ground can go bye bye when the planet dies, and it the same with Fire. And the Level Two Bender's can all get rid of Level One Bender's. As the Secondary and Primary field revolve and evolve around each other, so do the Bender's that harness thier power.

How I know this, is because of Denece Montary, a Level One Bender. Her power is like mine, able to harness the power of water and ice. She is one of the first Bender's created, her mate could harness Earth's heat and fire, like Josh. It was kind of funny, that we both couples have the same people with the same life forces.

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