Chapter 20

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We stand there for a while, taking in the cold. We have standed out here for over two hours and... nothing! A big fat nothing!

But as the day has become evening, I'm instantly glad to make another day. The new powers that I have found out have been amazing. I can now heal people close to death. But I can't help but feel uncomfortable, when I'm around Josh. I healed him, which is good. But I'm also responsible for what had happened to him in the first place. It makes me annoyed that if one of us feels relief, the other feels panic. When one feels happy, the other feels pain. It's like we're both connected, Josh and I. It confuses me.

Suddenly some people come out of the side door. To give you some better discription of the Stadium, it's pretty simple. The gates are from the side, which is the main entrance used by students. The actual entrance is in the middle of the building, and it's only used by guests on weekends when people come to watch their kid play or something.

The people are all teachers, none of whom I knew. There are five of them, and four are women. One is a man, with brown hair and dark eyes. He looks like he has been staring at death for so long that you could see the picture in his eyes. It intimidates me, a bit.

" Welcome. You have done well to survive this dreadful disease-" said the teacher.

" It's not a disease. It's just people who have magically transformed themselves into dog like creatures hungry for Human flesh. It's not a disease." I state firmly.

The male teacher narrowed his eyes at me. I narrow them back, and bite my lip.

" Did I give you permission to speak?" he asked spitefully.

" No. I don't need your permission for my opinion in this situation. Do you know what I've been going through? No. I've been next to that meteorite when it crashed landed with Earth. I watched the toxic cloud spread over everyone. I even watched one of my friends shift into one of those monsters. I had to survive for who knows how long, and all you can ask me is ' Did I give you permission to speak?'. Got any other smartass remarks for me? I'd be happy to listen to them."

The teacher smiles. Of all the things he could do, the one he thinks of is just smiling. I can tell this will be a long night ahead.

" I can teel you've had it rough. But your safe now." he replies with that ugly smile on his face. It makes me so mad I just want to walk over there and smack that smile off his face. I smile at the thought.

" Good, now let me in." I reply. I start to walk over to the door when the teacher steps in my way. Now what does that bastard want?

" Oh my god, your annoying me. What do you want? A vacation, a wife, a shoulder to cry on?" I say through clenched teeth. This teacher is annoying the hell out of me. If he doesnt move I'll turn him into an ice sculpture.

" Nothing, miss-"

" Then what? Why won't you let me in?" I ask, biting my tongue to not let my powers show.

" You see miss, you've been out of the safety of the Stadium for almost two months now. Through all that time, we're afraid to let you in because you might be infected aswell." he replies casually.

Almost two months? What! No, no, no, no! That doesn't make any sense. We haven't been out there for almost two months! Almost a month, if possible, but two? Where does this guy go to sleep? On Mars? Because not only does he look like a dick, but he surely acts like it too. But now I have bigger problems then staying out of the Stadium for a possible two months; that dickhead just said that Christina, George, Josh and I were infected!

"Um, excuse me? Did i just hear youy correct? Did you just say that I was infected with some 'disease'? You must be mistaken, becuase I haven't been biten by a Hell Hound, or have taken in the toxic cloud that turned the students into the dogs." I state.

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