Chapter 8

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I scream and Renaia get's up on all fours. She snarls and Josh tries to pull me back towards the meteorite.

"Josh, just stop."

He doesn't listen of course, and I struggle against his really strong grip. Is it possible for him to get stronger? As well as more attractive?

Oh no. I am not thinking that ever again. Yuck - disgusting - horrible.

I shiver and Josh looks at me weirdly. "You alright Kate?" He says, while trying to dodge Renaia's several swipes.

I take quick steps back. "Yeah, you?" I reply.

He throws a fire ball at Renaia and she dodges. I then through an ice ball at her, and it lands in between her shoulder blade.

Renaia yelps and falls back.

"Could be better."

We both look at Renaia as she get's up and she changes in front of us. Literally.

I watch as her back stretches, four small and serrated spines pop out her back. Her normal nails extend into sharp six inch talons. Her normal Human face is transformed into a long muzzle, and two sharp sabre like teeth - as well as many other teeth, but I can't see them - elongate. Her clothes are in shreds, and she looks like a wild animal.

An inhuman wild dog.

Renaia - should I even call her that anymore - snaps her teeth at us and perks her pointy ears up.

Josh throws a fire ball, and it is lucky enough to hit her calf. Renaia howls very loud.

Renaia keeps on howling - but not in pain. Instantly the calls are returned, by what seems dozens of other inhuman dogs.

Minutes later we are surrounded by three dogs. The have also Changed, and two of them are bigger. I am guessing they were once boys now there ugly dogs. But how are they dogs? There not Werewolves - or Were ugly thingies that look like dogs.

The other dog is small and skinny, still looking like a pup. It's probably a Year 7.

Josh throws a fire ball at one of the boys, and it dodges it easily.

I back away and they instantly turn towards Josh, snapping their jaws and showing there teeth.

I backup against the ripped in half tree, and almost scream as the sharp bit of the bark slices my arm. I move my arm to show the massive and deep cut, blood dropping on the grass that's full of the leaves where the tree once stood.

Josh was going crazy throwing fire balls and force feilds. I was tempted to laugh if my arm didn't sting like hell. That's when I saw the piece of bark still wedged in my sliced flesh.

I make an attempt to pull it out and the blood dips my finger in red. But I pull it out and chuck it away. Tears strain my eyes, and fall down.

Josh was now backed up against the wall, looking amused. Or was it just me?

In anger and pain I wave my hands over at the dogs and scream at the top of my lungs.


It was a big mistake. Two of the dogs turn around and come running at me, and I run at them too. I keep on running as they stop, and throw an ice ball at one of the dogs head. It yelps and shakes it's head.

As it still stands shaking it head, I run up to it. I jump on it and we fall on the floor together, and I swing my head around to focus on a small and sharp twig. I roll away from it and miss getting it by inches.

I am stretching my hand as hard as I can. When I hear the dogs surrounding me again. The bigger dog which I guess is Renaia is starting to charge at me. I hear her growl and I swing around just in time to see her starting to jump at me.

As she is about to land when I ram my leg into her chest and she flys away, landing three meters away. Oops!

The second dog snarls, and I can't help but feel pity for it. It's forehead is bleeding and it still has some ice on it. My ice.

I throw an ice ball at it and it dodges it. The dog snaps it's jaws at me, and I turn around and throw myself at the stick, just as the dog jumps up.

I turn around as it jumps on me.

The stick stabs into the dog and it howls and cries, blood dripping down my arm. I turn over and let the stick go, that was already ice. I watch in horror as the ice crawls up the stick and into the wound of the dog.

I start crying, and I keep on mumbling, "I'm sorry, I am so sorry."

Finally the dog was dead, and I felt strong hands lift me up. I am embraced in Josh's arms, and he nestles his head against my neck. By the time I stop crying I just remember that I am actually hugging him.

I pull back dazed, my hands on his chest. It was one very muscly chest if I am to add!

"Okay then, we should go now." I say, starting to walk towards the gates.

But Josh stops me.

"Katherine, we ain't the only ones that could have survived. We must go in the school and find anyone who is still alive and hasn't turned into one of those things."

I sigh, knowing he is right. If there are any survivors they need protection, since they are just normal Human beings. I mean they don't have really cool powers like we do, which makes them defenceless against the dogs.

"You know I'm right Kate."

I nod. We go back towards our bags, that we had dropped when Renaia woke up. Picking them up we head back to the school.

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