Chapter 5

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I am lying there unable to breath as my face is covered in Josh's chest. Josh's face was nestled in my hair. We were both laying there becuase of the force of the nuclear cloud.

To be honest I had no idea what to call it. It was like a force field type of thing. That once you touched it you flew away.

Josh and I were uncomfortably pressed up against each other for what seemed hours, but in reality a really long twenty seconds.

Once we felt - or I felt - that it stopped he got off me. Once I looked up and stood up I started crying. Everything was everywhere. A tree was seventeen meters from it's other half, and the gates had landed on the bus. Blood was streaming across the bus windows and people had laid dead on the ground. About fifty or so them laid there dead.

Josh pulled me into him as I sulked. I just hoped my sister was okay. As my mum. As my friends, I wonder if any of them died.

Josh soothed me and pulled me back. I moved my head to the stadium, it was still standing strong. But the building that we were looking at was it crumbles, literally. I could make out the shape of a dark brown piece of rock that seemed to be wedged in the building.

Only half of the building was crumbled. The other half was still standing but looked like something you would only see at ancient building burials. Like the Roman Coliseum, that was in pieces as well as still standing strong.

I pulled away from his and walked cautiously towards the shattered building. Josh followed me.

"Kate, not a good idea. It could be aliens." Josh suggested.

I shrugged, climbing on top of the brick mountain and down it. Josh did the same and I turned around to look at him. "They don't exist. And does that look like an alien?" I say pointing to the colossal meteorite that lay in front of me.

I turned around to see Josh's face and mouth drop, he was blown away as I was.

I smiled in pride.

"No, but it could be - Godzilla's egg. You never know?" He warned.

I rolled my eyes. "Geez, your starting to sound like Jeremy." I contemplate.

I walk further towards the humungous space rock. I could feel the strong force field like energy bouncing off it. I wanted to touch it, I wanted to be the first Human to feel a meteorite.

I went to touch it, but Josh whacked my hand away.

"Don't do that it could be poisonous!" Josh exclaimed.

He sounded like my mother. I giggled and moved out of the way.

"What?" He asked. I was still giggling as I circled around the meteorite.

"Nothing, you just sounded a bit like my mum." I stated.

This time he's laughs.

"Oh yes." He replies.

I start laughing as he makes a very funny girls voice and tries to talk like my mum.

"Oh yes darl, I know what you mean. Since I'm a boy not a girl." He jokes putting the boy and the girl bit in his normal voice, but the rest was in his girl voice.

I keep on laughing until I spot a beautiful glint on the rock. I walk up to it and discover the beautiful blue stone.

"Josh, I think I found a new gem, that could be worth something." I call out.

Josh comes over and goes to touch it, but I stop his hand. I touch it instead, and am almost pushed back. I said almost.

I would have forced back but I touched the blue stone instead of just the brown meteorite shell.

"It looks to be a specimen close to gold. Do you think you could brake some out?" Josh acknowledges. I nod and pick up a bit of brick.

I them smack it against the rock. It makes a metallic sound, and then the rock glows. I bang it one more time before ice from the rock moves onto the brick and covers it. I gasp and drop it. The brick smashes on the ground in now ice shards.

Josh and I both stare at it before I see him pick up a broken bit of the meteorite.

"Here, I don't think it will turn into a meteorite-sickle if we use another meteorite from the same origin it came from."

He hands me the bit of meteorite. I then sigh and smack it against the rock and it glows, but amazingly the meteorite surrounds itself in what looks like to be a force field to stop the ice from the rock getting onto it. It was amazing.

I keep on smacking the meteorite against the metallic rock. But it wouldn't even chip it. It was that strong. It confusion and anger I nearly throw it to him. He takes it off me in time to bang it against the rock. Again it doesn't even chip let alone budge.

Josh shouts out and throws it at the meteorite shell not the metallic rock. As it hits, it makes a clanking sound, like metal on metal, and almost half of the meteorite comes sown. Inside the blue gem was everywhere, and also a red hot lava-like liquid was spilling out. Even some of the gem have broken away.

I pick it up and study it. But Josh doesn't. He just stares at the red liquid. Out of the blue he reaches his hand into it.

"Josh! What are you doing!" I yell at him.

He swirls his hand in the hot liquid. He dips it out and smiles. "It's cold Katherine. It looks hot but it isn't." He exclaims.

I was about to say something when the blue gem glowed and it sent me flying.

Flying into the brick wall. I bang my head and collapse. The last image I see - or a few images to be exact - was Josh running towards me.

And the stone that glowed in my hand send ice up my arm. After that I blacked out.

Fire, Ice and the Apocalypse (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now