Chapter 26

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Josh's P.O.V

I walk up him and tackle him, punching him several times before being paralyzed by a searing pain near my torso. Bloody Cooper, he used his lightning. I yell out in pain, and roll off him. I put my hands to my side, and my life forced growled. I can't wait for his blood to be smothered on my hands, my life force snarled.

I get up, dizzy. Me too, flame, me too. I decided to call my life force flame. It was either that or fire. It just isn't right to call a life force Sheldon, or Tim.

I throw a fore ball absent mindedly, and Cooper dodged it threw a ball of lightning at me and I accidently fell, which I didn't mean too but I had dodged it either way! I looked over at Katherine, her beautiful face staring at me with worry. She was contemplating whether she should help me or not. I looked at her as I got up again, sending a messagew to her. Don't even think about it icehead, I say.

Katherine clearly got it and scowled, poking her tongue at me which made me smile and my life force scoff in happiness. She is the perfect mate. I'm glad we chose her, my life force purred. Ah ha, I know but can we focus on the male that's trying to take her away from us? I ask, sarcasm dripping through my bond between my life force.

Oh yeah, let's um, focus on that.

I shake my head. Your an idiot.

Yeah, I am. But your distracted - watch out! My life force shouted in my mind, which was so sudden I sheilded my face and put on a force feild to protect myself which was just aswell because the shock ball rebounded towards Cooper who also put up a force feild. I threw a force feild at him, and he jumped away. He threw another shock ball at me, and then a force feild. I only just managed to distract them before a punch sent me flying backwards.

" Josh!" I heard Katherine shout out. Don't Katherine, I don't want you getting hurt, I say to her.

Fuck that, I'm helping you. She replies as an ice ball hit Cooper,making him yell out in pain. It's not enough to distract him for long, but he sat up and threw a fire ball at his legs. It hit it's target and I got up and jumped him, hitting him with my fist again and again.

" Stop it, Josh. Your going to kill him!" I turned around and saw another girl with aurburn hair and light blue eyes. She pushed me out of the way, and I stumbled off him. She was surprisingly strong, for just a Human. She didn't have her life force, but she had power emenating off her.

Katherine's P.O.V

I stared at Taylah as she ran towards Cooper, shoving him off and telling him to stop. She doesn't know that he's a fucking psychopath! My life force mumbled.

She doesn't know of us, storm. She is still a Human.

We're the ones that are Human, Kate. She's the one who doesn't have all her soul.

I kneel down with her as she helps Cooper up. " What the hell Katherine! Why would you let him do that to him! I thought you were my friend. I know you have bad blood between you and Cooper but that doesn't mean you order someone else to try to kill him!" Taylah shouted.

I scoffed. Bad blood? Is this what she thinks this is about? This is about not losing my virginity to a freaking psycho!

"Taylah, it isn't wise to stick her nose in this sort of situation. Your not authorised in this sort of buisness, and I don't want you to get hurt. Cooper deserves getting hurt for what he was trying to do to me." I say, trying to reason with her.

Taylah looked at me to see if something will give somehting away, but her presence isn't as powerful as mineis. Even without her life force, she can sense it. "What do you mean?"

Kate, it wouldn't be wise to tell a Human that Cooper was trying to kill me so he could make you have sex with him and you'll be mates. Not wise, my dear, not wise. I hear Josh's message in my mind.

He's right you know, my life force pointed out.

I know that! I snap.

I look down to the floor and sigh. " I'm sorry Tay, but you can't know. Your not like us-"

" What do you mean, I'm not like you? Katherine, ever since these things started happening, you've changed. Your hair is white, your taller than me now, your skin is pale and you hurt people. What happened to you!" she asked, tears forming.

" I can't tell you that either, I only wish that you leave before you get hurt. Take him with you, or I will continue his punishment. It's more like payback but call it what you want." I reply, looking at her with dry, cold eyes.

Taylah stepped back as a tear streamed down her eyes. " Your not my friend. And you'll never be!" she cried.

Cooper took her in a hug and showed me his teeth, which were blunt. It was weird but I didn't care.

I closed my eyes as they left, and I was pulled in by a hard, warm chest. Josh kissed my hair, and I felt instantly relieved to be near him. " You did well, and I'm sorry about your friend." Josh said, and pulled me in tighter.

" I know, but hey, I gained a friend and lost a friend. A noble sacrifice, but I hope I can make it work and fix the mistake I made between Taylah and I. But oh Josh, didn't you see her face when she looked at me? She looked at me as if I betrayed her, and I'll never forget the thing she said to me. I feel as if it's my fault."I say, tears welling up at the thought of her face when she looked at me.

Josh rocked me silently, making small ircles around my back. " No, Kate it was never your fault. You only tried to protect her, even if she didn't see the truth. Big things are coming for you and I, and in the future I bet we'll grow stronger as we grow better as friends."

I smiled and looked up at his beautiful pure gold eyes. " Friends doesn't seem the right word for what we are. Mates, soul mates, seems better. I love you Josh." I declare.

Josh smiled one of his best and rarest smiles. " I love you too, Kate. And I'll always love you, even when we're world's apart." He declared, pulling me in for a kiss.

It's moments like these, I say to no one in particular. That matter the most.

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