Fire, Ice and the Apocalypse

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'Some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice. From what I've tasted from desire; I hold with those who favour fire. I think I know enough of hate, to say that for destruction - ice, is also great. And would suffice.'

-Robert Frost


Chapter 1:

I woke up slowly from a throbbing headache. It hurt, every part of my body hurt.

I groan as I hear my mum yell at me, to get up. But I don't want to, I want to stay in bed and . . .

"Katherine! Get up now!"

I groan, and sigh. I get up out of bed and get dressed.

"Life is so unfair." I sigh, putting my woollen skirt on. It was mid autumn in May and my Birthday was coming up soon. I was going to turn sixteen. It made me nervous thinking about it.

I head downstairs to find my sister on her phone talking with her third boyfriend this year. She was considered a 'popular' in Year 8 and is very bitchy and thinks she is all that. Glad I am in Year 10.

My mum gives me my lunch money and an apple. I take a bite of it and grab my bag. I put the money in my purse and head outside.

The school itself was only five minutes from my house and my mum said she will not waste gas for a minute ride in the car everyday. So she makes me walk. My mum is so stubborn. I am so stubborn. Guess it runs in the family.

I enter the school gates and sigh again. My headache was still throbbing, and it made me unsteady.

It sucked because it was a Monday, and it probably sucked for everyone in this entire school.

As I put my bag in my looker, I feel a pair of delicate and small hands wrap around my eyes.

"Guess who?" The soft voice asked. I smile and take her hands off my eyes so I could see my friend Taylah.

She had light blue and brownish auburn hair. But to me I just called it brown - saved me the bother. Taylah also had wide cat smile on her face. I look at her blankly as she squeals.

"Guess who just asked me out?" I squeals happily, jumping up and down. I shrug not really bothered to guess anything. I honestly don't feel like doing anything, not just because of my headache.

When Taylah sees that I don't answer it she jumps up and down again.


I hold in a scowl.

Cooper Johnstone was also considered a 'popular' in my Year level. Taylah and I and my other friends, were thought of as the ground that everyone stomps on. I roll my eyes.

I hate Cooper, he is such a jerk. He and his friends bully me and my friends. It surprises me that he even asked Taylah out.

"Oh good for you. Now if you don't mind, I'm going to class." I simply exclaim and walk out of the locker bay.

Taylah just gaps at me as I make my way out, books in hand.

I do this often. The last time my other friend Sarah came to me with another jerk boyfriend I warned her.

I said to her that he will cheat on you, and he did. She cried and mourned for a week. I was stuck then trying to cheer her up and trying not to rub it in her face that I was right. I never really trusted men, and I don't think I ever will.

Sarah's boyfriend was not the reason because of that, someone else was.

I make my way over to my home room. But as I go to enter the door, a foot is placed quickly in front of me and I went flying over the concrete. My books as well went everywhere, as did my blood.

Remember Cooper and his bad-ass friends, yeah well welcome to my world. I wasn't kidding when I see Cooper and his friends laughing. One of Coopers best friends took a step closer to me, as I lay there with the biggest headache and a bloody left knee.

"Hey Jones, had a nice," he made a falling gesture, "trip?" He exclaimed. They all started laughing harder.

I could feel tears straining my eyes, but I won't let myself cry.

But they continued to flow down my cheeks as I struggle to get up and get my scattered books.

I put my last book on my pile and start to limp my way toward's the door again. But like it always does, another foot is placed in front of my feet and I trip over again. But a strong hand restrains me from falling over.

I look to see familiar brown eyes looking at me worriedly. His light brown straight hair, and muscly bulk helped me up. Joshua Thorn. We were best friends in Year 7 and 8, than he just ditched me. Forever. I will never forgive him for that.

Once I feel stable I tried to pull back my hand, that was secured tightly around his. A worried expression was plastered on his face.

"Are you alright Katherine?" He asks. I stare at him. This is the first time he has actually talked to me since two years ago where we were friends.

I rolled my eyes and tried to pull back my hand again, but it wouldn't budge. This is the man that made me not to trust men.

"I'm just fine." I say, finally yanking my hand out of his grip. He looks taken aback my my gesture. Which I can't help but feel pleasure. He can have a taste of his own medicine.

Josh sighs and looks down to the floor. He reaches down and tries to grab my books.

"Don't touch them." I say, going to grab the book. He pauses as I pick it up, and stands back up.

I move away from him to pick the rest of my books up. I feel him watching me. I finally pick up my pencil case and head towards the door. But Josh stood in front of me.

I growl. "Do you mind, I am just trying to get into my classroom?"

"No I don't mind, but I'm sorry."

I narrow my eyes. "For what?"

I look as Josh gulps and steps a bit forward. What is he up to?

"My friends are total idiots. They shouldn't have even done that, I just wanted to apologise."

For a second I thought he was going to apologise for his behaviour two years ago when he just left me. But of course not.

"Thank you, but I don't need your apology." I say.

I caught him off guard and slip through his body and into the classroom.

He turns around and I hear his voice strain. "I just thought it would be nice to talk to you, seeing as though . . . we haven't in a while." He strains.

In a while? That made me turned around and glare at him.

"A while doesn't cover up what you did Josh." I retort.

He opens his to say something, as the bell to start class rings. He closes it and just stares at me.

He turns around and walks away. I just watched him.

I stand there and watch as the kids start pouring inside the classroom. I could stop thinking of the same thing. I keep on replaying it in my mind.

What did I do?


Hey guys, thanks for reading the first Chapter of Fire, Ice and the Apocalypse.

This is for all you Si-Fi lovers as well as Romance, Comedy and Action

I am new on Wattpad and this is my first story so just give me a chance. Sorry if there is any spelling mistakes!

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