Chapter 13

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After Josh get's up I start to do too. It was very strange at first when I woke up to find him playing the piano with his eyes closed. It looked about as weird as a zombie playing the piano - with it's eyes open! I go over to wake up Christina, who was lying against a cupboard. George and Tessa were entangled together, and it looked cute and a bit gross. I still have the feeling that they are going out.

I squat down and shake Christina by the shoulder, until finally she looks up at me. Her head was swaying a bit, obviously dizzy. When she stopped looking like she was drunk I helped her up. Josh was standing behind me again and does nothing - again - to help her up.

"What now? Are there dogs outside?" she asks annoyed. I shake my head. " I was just thinking that we should try and get to somewhere safer than this." I say, Christina's eyes fixed on mine. Josh comes up to stand next to me.

" What could be safer than this? We are in an enclosed space where those dogs and that other thing isn't here, and they can't get to us. We're safe."

Somehow I feel queasy about this. " The dogs can get in even though they have changed into dogs. They still have the smarts of a Human and the strength and power of a wild animal. It's something that will eventually kill us. That's why I want to get out of here. If your with me I mean, so I hope you see reason. Even if we do stay here, we won't have enough food or water."

Josh nods thoughtfully. Christina's back is still up against the cupboard. " It's true but wat about Tessa and George? They are only in like Year 8 and 7. They don't have powers like you guys."

I know she's right, and so does Josh. " We can protect them, like we would any other person. I could protect you too."

Christina smiled lightly, seeming embarrassed. " Look, I am fine with my hand to hand combat. I can fight fine, but it is great if you help me. "

I smile and she does too.

" Okay well while you two keep on smiling at eachother like a couple of loonatics, I'm going to wake up Tessa and George." Josh said with a weird look.

With that we stop, and Josh walks over to Tessa and George who were entangled together. Tessa's skirt was up legs and her head rested against George's head. Josh skaes them and with a moment for moaning they wake up. George gives a smile towards Josh, and Tessa turns towards me and glares.I glare back and she pokes her tongue at me, and I feel asudden rush of anger. I just want to reach my hand out and freeze her until she starts cumbling like a-

" Katerine! Heat up, seriously! Your face is turning white and your as cold as ice. Katherine!" Josh warns me.

His heated touch calms me, and sents sparks up my arm. I open my eyes and he stars at me wide eyed. " What?" I ask. Josh raises an eyebrow, and I raise one as well. " Seriously? Your asking me this quesion? I just told you."

" Well, I didn't listen. Why would I?"

Josh stares at me blankly. " Becuase I see that your bored. Now the next time we have a discussion, it might help to keep your head out of the clouds once in a while."

" I will, thanks for the advice. Like I need to be told."

" Yeah you do. If you stop acting like a child-"

I scowl. " What do you mean i'm acting like a child? If you stop being a son of a bitch-""

Josh narrows his eyes, and I gasp at the glint of red in them. It was like staring at fire. "Don't you ever calll me that you little..."

I wait for him to finish, but he softens his gaze and sighs. The glint of red in his eyes has softened back to his hazel brown. "Kate, I'm sorry."

I smile faintly, and that's when I felt him lean in. He was getting closer... and closer... and closer... NO!

He was about to press his lips against mine when I flinched and... I-I punched him in the face. Oopsies! My bad!

The power of my punch sent him staggering back only, which was hardly fair. I thought it would be enough to make him fall. I thought since he's getter stronger, that's means I will. But i'm not. Hey, maybe I'm getting weaker! If I am than I am going to have a word with that meteorite. But then the dogs might think i'm crazy because I'm taking to a rock. The rock that gave me my power and Josh's.

I stood contemplating for a long time, and didn't even see Josh grab me by the throat and slam me into the closed door, and I gasped as my head smashed the glass. Or more a really big dint. But you kow what's crazy, I can't feel it. I looked in Josh's eyes once more - they weren't hazel. They were fully red. A flame in the eye.

He scowled at me, a smile weirdly tugging at his lips. " Your dead, Jones."

I'm dead, I think. I am sooo dead...

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