Chapter 23

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I wake up with a startling jolt, shooting up from the cold polished Stadium floor. Beads of cool sweat aline my brow, and my headache was a small buzzing noise in my ear.

My breathing continued to quicken as I recall the strange dream I just had. I look around to find myself in a room with papers and a desk. This must be the Stadium office that looks out indoor to the Sadium. A door is right of the large desk, which leads into the Stadium. I breath a strong breath and I try to get up, but my legs buckled out from under me and I continued to fall on my butt. I growl out.

Instead I turn towards the swirly chair, and I put my weight on it as I try to get up. My legs were like jelly, unable to stand up for themselves.

I tried to straighten my legs when I heard a sudden cough behind me. I turn around with my hands on then chair, and come face to face with Josh sitting on another chair, watching me with plain amusement in his now fully gold eyes. The eyes I notice are beautiful and intimidating. But how did he get his gold eyes?

" You weren't leaving without saying goodbye, were you Katherine?" Josh asked, a smile planted on his lips.

I smiled half heartedly. " No, I was more looking for the right time to escape. Even if it meant not saying goodbye, I'd still be happy to get away from this small claustrophobic room."

Josh stood up and made his way over towards me. I tensed up slightly, recalling what Denece had said about the bond Josh and I share between us.

" True, but for now you must rest." He replied.

" Nah, I'm good thanks. I would actually like..."

I couldn't finish my sentence because Josh's mouth got in the way. And by the way he was kissing me, I lost all of my words. He pressed me up agains the desk, and I felt all of his muscles flexing and rippling on me. I could feel the bulge in his shorts against my thigh, which made me blush even though we were still kissing.

But suddenly a small demanding voice ripped across my head. Let me in charge.

What? Why would I let anything in charge? What is the thing that wants to be in charge?

Let me in charge, now!

Is that you Denece, I ask in my mind. The answer was almost instant.

No, Katherine. I'm the storm you keep on calling. It's the same with Josh's fire, or whatever he calls it. We're in charge of your powers and emotions... And your bond mate.

What are you talking about? The storm is just a weird feeling- I argue, but the storm stops me.

The feeling is neutral, because I am in charge of it. When you touched the space gem, I was born. I am in charge of your emotions and your powers. Your bond mate was created because of the bond his fire and I created. But do you know what the worst part of all is?

What? Tell me!

I don't know why but it's almost as if my storm was laughing! Which is weird.

The female of the bond, which is you, must mate with your bond mate once every year or you will die. It is because of me, which I feel sorry for. The male of the bond, which is Josh, is responsible of mating. He chooses when to mate, and after you've mated, you will have to fight. The fire controls him throughout the whole process. The fire normally chooses it on the Full Moon, where the damage will less likely become fatal.

What the hell? I am not a Werewolf! What does this have to do with the meteorite? What is inside of me? What are you, I shout out.

I am an alien organism that has attached itself to your brain, heart and muscles. My life span is over three thousand years, and my mating process must be once every year. I must find a host in order to grow and survive. Is that enough for you? Or do you want to know more?

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