➳ 42: yellow ledbetter

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MY dearest Damon and Bonnie?

Really? Okay, seriously, who the hell writes a letter like that? This isn't the 1700s and I'm not off at war. Here's how it should be:

Hey, Efah!

The date is May tenth, 1994 as it has been every single fucking day for the last four months. So far we don't have answers. We're as clueless as you. I can't believe you found us. We were starting to lose hope until your letter. We're sorry it took us so long to reply. We didn't find the box until a few days ago and it took us forever to perfect the stupid inscription. Can you tell your dad to pick a less complicated language next time? Seriously, what the hell?

How's everyone? Especially Stefan and Elena? Oh, Bonnie wants to know how Jeremy is. And Caroline. She's literally standing over my shoulder while I write this. It's annoying. She's annoying. We're the two worst people to be stuck with one another.

So far we've spent every day doing crosswords, eating pancakes, and waiting for BonBon to finally make herself useful and do some magic. Especially now that we know this is a magic prison. Only thing is, a prison for who? We're not sure what's significant about this date yet other than the eclipse has something to do with it. Please get us out soon, we can't take much more of being this close. I'm tired of silence. We miss you too. Trust me, I'd kill for your snarky, mean comments right now. Tell Stef I miss him?

- Damon and Bonnie♡

Efah smiled widely in happiness at the letter and laughed when she read Damon's frustration. The pen markings were deeper when he was expressing his displeasure. She was about to fold the letter back up when she noticed a tiny arrow directing her to the back. Turning it over, she found there was more on the back side in Damon's handwriting.

P.S: I wrote this after Bonnie thought I sent it because I need to confess something. On May tenth, 1994, I murdered an entire party full of people including a pregnant woman. Not just any pregnant woman, Zach's girlfriend. She and the baby both died. I'm terrified that this is a prison for me because of all the horrible things I've done. I make pancakes every morning because Gail liked pancakes. I will never be rid of this guilt because I don't deserve to. Do I deserve to be in here? Yes. But Bonnie doesn't. I hope that's of use to you. Don't tell anyone. At least I know you won't judge me.


Efah nodded to herself, taking in the information and folding the letter back up. She stood up from the ledge of the tub and quietly unlocked the door. She snuck out of the bathroom then tip toed back to the vanity, hiding the letter in an unused makeup bag. Grabbing the box, she quietly exited the room and leisurely walked down the stairs. She entered the dining room, setting the box down on the table, and grabbed a sheet of paper from her notebook, writing a response.

Damon and Bonnie,

It is now September and sadly, we're no closer to getting you guys home than we were two months ago. There are some things that seem odd to me and it may just be my need to find answers or maybe it's divine intuition. Maybe it'll help you guys from inside. Here's what feels weird:

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