Chapter 1 /But You Hate Children/

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"Noonaaaa,"my brother,Hyuk whined and pried my arms off his ears. "I'm old enough already,you don't have to do this."

"No way,"I retorted and covered his ears once again. "You hear nothing...absolutely nothing."I cooed,stressing on the word 'nothing'. "Hey did you just admit you watch porn?"

Hyuk slapped his forehead. "I have idiots for sisters."

"You ungrateful brat."I spat,smacking his head.

"Sorry but I'm already used to this. It's been like...13 years."he shrugged.

"This isn't healthy for a 15 year old. Let's just go out for a while."I suggested.

"Ahem do you not remember our talk about being too protective?"he snapped like a diva. Sometimes,I want to strangle my annoying little brother.

When Hyuk was born,I was 3 and my sister was 15. Yeah big age gap but she worked her ass off for 2 years and then,she went into the prostitution business. So for 13 years,we've been hearing things from her room. Now,she's 30,I'm 18 and the brat is 15. I've been trying to get jobs the past few years but I get fired really easily. My parents...I don't even know what happened. After bringing Hyuk home,the next morning,they were no where to be found. It's a sensitive topic so no one talks about it and if we blurt something out,we have our allowance docked. Hyuk nearly got a negative allowance when he was 7 but he wised up and licked our sister's boots.

The moaning stopped and we could finally concentrate on our homework. Hyuk was a smart little piece of shit but I on the otherhand was just average.

"Hey kiddo,do my homework and I'll treat you to lunch tomorrow."I offered,passing him my papers.

"Nah just give me money."he said and grabbed my wallet. I rolled my eyes and lay down on my bed.

There was a knock and the door opened,revealing my sister who had a bath robe on. "The old geezers gone. Tried bargaining with me about the fees. Cheap old ass. Go to sleep early,I'm going to make supper."

With that,she went out. My sister wasn't really close to me and my brother. Afterall,we had a huge age gap. But of course,we know that she loved us. If not,she would have just left us to fend for ourselves.

I pulled my blanket over my body and closed my eyes. School...another day of boredom.


"Miss.Grumpypants,can I have my money? Like NOW?"Hyuk demanded.

With a straight face,I glared at him. "We just got to school,give me a break or I'll break you."

"You look like a zombie."he snickered,earning a very,very,very hard smack from me on the head.


"Ouch!"he yelped and hit me back,only earning another smack from me.

"Oh look the siblings are fighting again."someone snorted. I turned around and cursed under my breath. Of course it would be him. Who else would dare mess with the 'emo' girl or she'll give you the cooties,am I right?

I ignored him and left Hyuk behind but both of them just caught up with me.

"Why are you leaving?"Jaebum asked with that ever-so-annoying smirk of his. If I could slap it off his nasty face,I would.

"Move."I hissed coldly.

"No. Nope. Never."he said,spitting every syllabus. Someone tell me his age again? Was it...I don't know hm...5?

"Please move."Hyuk said politely. Geez since when was he this nice?

"Why should I,punk?"he challenged,pushing Hyuk away harshly,causing him to stumble against some lockers. Ok...what the hell did he just do to my precious little brother? Did he just push Hyuk? DID HE JUST INFLICT PAIN ONTO MY POOR,HELPLESS,LITTLE BROTHER?

I closed my eyes,looking up at the ceiling to steady my breathing. "Noona...D-don't,"Hyuk said,grabbing my arm.

"Let your sister take care of this,"I said with a fake smile and patted him on the back. He shaked his head,whispering prayers under his breath.

"Is emo girl mad?"Jaebum snickered.

"Yeah emo girl is pretty mad. And when emo girl is mad,you should run."I warned glaring at him.

"Ooh! I'm so scared!"he mocked.

"Ok,you chose this path."I shrugged before landing a punch in his precious face. People gasped as he fell on the floor. "How dare you hit my brother! You better wise up,Jaebum,or I'll break something the next time!"I said with a fake smile and patted his head before leaving,dragging my brother a lot

"Noona~ remember about being too protective?!"Hyuk whined.

"Yes but he hit you. How do you expect me to sit still and watch you get hurt? He's a bully for hitting someone younger than him!"I exclaimed.

"But he just pushed me lightly. You punched him in the eye really hard! He fell onto the floor! You punched a well-built guy and he fell onto the floor!"he screamed,shaking me dramatically by the shoulders.

"Then he should know he should never mess with my family."I snorted.

"That was sick,"Yoongi popped out of nowhere and slung his shoulder around my arm. "I was going to help you but I saw him push Hyuk so I was like meh I'm gonna get beaten up too."

"I don't need anyone's help,Yoongi."I said,blushing and taking his hand off me. Yeah I sorta have a REALLY REALLY BIG CRUSH ON HIM.

"She needs help alright."Hyuk said and Yoongi laughed with him. They're evil alright.

"Get to class,you brat."I narrowed my eyes at him and pushed him into his classroom. The brat was really smart so he skipped two grades. He's planning on skipping another but I really don't want to see him in my class. I've had enough of him at home.

"Wanna catch a movie later?"Yoongi asked as we entered the classroom.

"Not today...sorry. I've got to go for a job interview."


I nodded my head.

"What is it for this time?"

I sighed,"Babysitting,"

"But you hate children."

"Precisely,"I said with an evil grin.

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