Chapter 50 /Prostitutes/

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A/N: hey this will be a two or maybe three part ending so yeah

Narrator's POV

Ever since that letter landed in Jaebum's hands,it has never left his side. He kept it folded in the compartment of his wallet,bringing it wherever he went. After Hyun's departure,as promised,she didn't contact him at all. Jaebum missed her like crazy but he always had two people to listen to how much he missed her,Yoongi and Mark,for they felt the same. Hyuk and Soyeon was their little snitch and updated them from time to time but that was all they could get. Years passed by quickly,the information stopped coming and the letter had become yellow and tattered.

Jaebum didn't want to inherit his parent's company,leaving it to the hands of the sharp-minded Yezi to make decisions and the honey-tongued KittiB to get clients. Instead,Jaebum became a police officer. His performance was amazing and he really had to thank his temper in school because it helped his fighting skills. Now,he was the leader of an investigative group and was competing for the position of leader of all investigative groups.

The almost retiring leader called his team to the conference room and threw folders at them. The screen showed a case in which the old man was going to go through slowly,making the whole team sleepy.

"Ahn Jaehyung,aka the Sniper. He's a mix kid but has always lived in Singapore. Once part of the force in Singapore but turned bad while going undercover. Now he deals with firearms. My snitches have found out that he is dealing with Gu Daegoo,aka Snakehead. The reason for his purchase is unknown but we do know that they will be meeting 2 days from now. The firearms are already here and is located in an abadoned factory,guarded by Sniper's gang. Team A,B and E will be split into two,one to capture the firearms on the day of the deal and another to catch the dealers themselves.

Our group is to catch the dealers. 2 days from now,we'll ambush them in the building they meet to handover the money. The venue is Snakehead's prostitute house. Some of y'all will enter the building first and infiltrate the floor below the meeting away. The rest will be back-up downstairs.

This mission will be dangerous so rest well and get ready for it. Any questions?"

No one raised their opinion and thus the meeting was dismissed. Jaebum stayed in the room and looked through the file of details. Ah...fate. Jaebum smiled to himself,realising that Snakehead's prostitute house was where Hyun used to live with her siblings. He remembered the time when he sneaked in right before his father came and the night they spent together as they waited out the reporters;the day they finally got together after Hyun's acceptance. Whether or not this place was still something to smile about has yet to be answered.

Jaebum closed the file and got up. He knows which unit he's gonna choose.


Jaebum had his legs propped up on the headrest,scrolling down on his phone. The team had been on a stakeout for a few hours,just in case Snakehead and Sniper had some readjustments in their timing. "30 minutes to the meeting. You guys can go up now."Jaebum ordered and the few got out of the van. Jaebum hastened his pace,making sure that he would have the choice of choosing Hyun's old unit.

He continued scrolling through his phone as he climbed up the stairs but paused halfway,his eyebrows furrowing.


They're back? The boys didn't tell me about it...did they even know? If Hyuk took over the company...then what is Hyun doing? Is Hyun working at the company too? She wanted to take over the company...didn't she?

"Sir,is there something wrong?"my teammate asked me,snapping me out of my daze. "Oh Lee Hyuk,he became Chairman yesterday. Smart and lucky fella to be born with a silver spoon and a extraordinary brain,"

"Yeah...he skipped a few grades back then,"Jaebum's voice trailed off,his mind still fixated on Hyun. I wonder how she is. What is she working as? Is she dating...or maybe,perhaps married?

He shaked his head as if it would shake off those thoughts too and shoved his phone into his pocket,repeatedly reminding himself that he had a mission to complete and that such affairs were to be settled later on. Besides,would Hyun recognise or even remember him? It has been ten years!

He finally arrived at the door and scrutinised the gate. There were stickers on the walls with the prices per hour and some very lewd adjectives. Jaebum gulped a bit,suddenly embarrassed. He pressed the doorbell and waited for a response. No one opened the door.

Jaebum raised a brow because there was a pair of shoes but only a pair,which meant that someone was inside and that that person didn't have a customer right now. But then again,who only has a pair of shoes.

He rang the doorbell persistently,his instincts telling him that there was something wrong. Finally,there was the shuffling of feet and the door finally opened.

"We're closed for,"the girl's voice trailed away and her mouth was agape,her eyes dilated in disbelief.


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