Chapter 17 /Adding A 'Please' Won't Make You Nicer/

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Here I am,back in this house. Mr and Mrs Im are fighting in the study room,which is kind of my fault. Jaejoong is hugging my leg extremely tightly,Chanhee is crying in his room,Jaebum is rolling his eyes in disbelief,KittiB is sulking in a corner and Yezi is smirking.

"How the fuck do you even know my father,you golddigger."Jaebum hissed. Ah...he's in a pissy mood. So his father is a sensitive topic.

"It's a fucking secret so just deal with it."I snapped and carried Jaejoong. "Let's go check on Chanhee,alright?"I asked and he nodded. I left the room and entered Chanhee's room,craddling him in arm as I tried to pacify him.


"I guess so...I'll help you do it but.....on one condition."I paused. "You have to hire me back as your nanny."

"My job as your children's nanny has paid me the most out of all my other pathetic jobs. You can take this chance to tell your wife your stand on this and hire me back while I get to find out more about Jaebum and you know,a win-win situation!" yeah but it's more of me taking advantage of you so I can earn money and not take over my sister's job in the future.

"You're hired!"

Well,Mrs.Im stomped off,furious while Mr.Im came out of the room,looking exhausted.

"You take over from here,I need to settle things with my wife."he ordered and ran off. Well,it's just me and 5 other kids,just like before. I'm not gonna follow the timetable she gave me in the past and do it my way except for sending the kids to tuition or whatever.

"NOONA~~"Jaejoong cooed and tugged onto my pants. "I MISSED YOU A LOT!"he exclaimed,his saliva getting all over his mouth. I sighed. Jaejoong's pretty cute but his saliva is like a river.

Chanhee looked at me with no expression. I guess he doesn't remember me. Babies and their goldfish memory...

Yezi entered the room with a cigarette in her hand,leaning against the doorframe. "I'm going out to meet with my friends and I have permission this time."she informed.

"Before you go..."I paused and snatched the cigarette away from her before aiming it at the rubbish bin. "Surrender your cigarettes,"I ordered.

"Bossy as ever,"she snorted but I could see the smile on her face very clearly. Looks like someone really loves me~~

"You know that it's for your own good to quit this,right?"I sighed.

She rolled her eyes. "Everyone says that. Why am I not surprised?"

I rolled my eyes back. "Let's make a bet then. We have to both quit something. You quit smoking...I quit....."

"Talking back to my brother?"she suggested.


"I hear you quarrel with Jaebum oppa all the time so if you can stop that,then I'll stop smoking."she explained.

"Fine."I grumbled reluctantly. All I have to do is act nice anyway. "Get your ass outta this house now."I snorted and she hissed back. What a relationship we have...

I started putting both Chanhee and Jaejoong to sleep and once I was done,KittiB was taking her bath while Jaebum was texting on the sofa.

"So you finally decided to appear?"he scoffed.

"Yes,I did."I said politely and he looked at me weirdly. "I made a bet with Yezi to stop fighting with you if I wanted her to quit smoking."

"She's not here,dude. You can stop."

"I'm honouring my promise,just leave me alone please."

"Adding a please at the back will not making you any nicer."he snickered. UGHHHHH he's already annoying me!

"But back to the topic,you answer me why on earth you got hired. How did you meet my dad and how did you manage to make him speak up?"he demanded.

"It's not me,it's you. He's doing this for you."I answered. "You'll understand me soon enough."I shrugged.

"What about Mark? "he asked.

I froze. "Uh...well,"I paused,knowing that I can't retort him to avoid the topic.

"Nah it's okay you don't need to explain to me."he said and I looked at him weirdly. Why would he let me off so easily?

"You can tell everyone when they come over."he added on with a smirk. I knew it! He couldn't be that nice. He's so evil. Omo! Mark is gonna be here. What to do? What to say? Gosh stupid Jaebum!

"I'm gonna go check on KittiB,you tell me when you need food or something because I'm still your NANNY~~"

"UH NO WAY!"he demanded. "You're staying here."he snickered with a smirk. "KittiB will chase you out of your room anyway. Go prepare some snacks,shoo!"

I rolled my eyes once I turned my back. What a little bitch.


His friends were all gathered in the living room and I could hear my name here and there but I didn't dare go out to give them the food they ordered. I was acting tough online but I was actually really hurt and would rather not talk or face him anymore but funny thing is...I have to face him sooner or later because I'm still the mascot! Ugh.

I took a deep breath. I shouldn't be wasting the food I spent time to make anyway.

"Cookies and fruit punch. Have fun."I said,trying not to sound annoyed. After all,I made a bet with Yezi and she's returning home soon.

"Not so fast~~"Yugyeom and Bambam chorused,grabbing me by my arm to hold me back.

I sighed. "What?"

"Sit there."they said,pointing to the spot beside Mark. Hell no.

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