Chapter 37 /Keep Your Fridays Free,Please/

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The cold wind tickled my skin as it waltzed by and I swung my legs,like a little child,waiting for the bus. Unlike normal days,Hyuk and I weren't talking. Hyuk wasn't telling me about how his day went and I wasn't commenting about how he was stupid though he was much smarter than me. Silence filled our surroundings as we waited at the almost empty busstop.

"Noona..."Hyuk called and I grimaced internally,knowing where this conversation was about to lead to. "Are you...perhaps...I don't know...I'm sorry for doubting you,but...are you cheating on Mark hyung?"he said uncertainly. I could see him staring at me from the side of my eyes but I stared at the road,avoiding eye contact.

"Honestly,I don't know either. There's something but there's nothing. I don't know what I am feeling,Hyuk...I'm so confused. I may have feelings for Jaebum...but he doesn't have any for me,I think. Heck,I'm not even sure if I like him!"I exclaimed,deflating my shoulders as I frowned,my eyebrows knitted together in pure frustration.

"Noona...I don't know much about your whole relationship with Mark or Jaebum hyung but no matter what,I'll support you...but I really hope you can try to not hurt anyone."he placed a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm trying,Hyuk...I really am."I sighed and closed my eyes. "I really am..."


The whole heart-to-heart talk with Hyuk at the busstop was going to make this even harder. I stared at Hyuk who was slurping down the last of his instant noodle soup while Hana was done with her food and was counting the money she earned today.

I put down my chopsticks gently and let go of the metal spoon in my hand,heaving a small sigh.

"Why aren't you eating?"Hana asked me,raising a brow as she put down the stack of cash onto the shabby dining table.

"I have something important to tell both of you."I announced,summoning my courage although I still couldn't bring myself to look into their eyes. I just couldn't.

"I hope you won't get too agitated like me when I first found out...but I...I...I found,"I paused and contemplated whether to say the next two words. "Our parents."the phrase rolled off my tongue reluctantly. I shut my eyes tightly,expecting Hana to slam her hands on the table or something and for Hyuk to choke on his soup but there was silence. Only silence.

I raised a brow,opening my eyes to look at them. Hyuk was frozen,his mouth agape and his eyes dilated in disbelief. Hana had all colour drained from her face.

"Our mother,"I continued,"is married with another man and so is our father with another woman. Both of them are living well...our father wants us back...but not our mother-"

"Stop."Hana demanded,her tone serious. "I knew it long before you did."

"What?"I gasped,my eyes widening a little.

"Both of them appear in the magazines a lot. I can remember how they looked like. You guys were too young to remember and I didn't want you to know because they abadoned us and will never want us again. I heard them arguing every night after putting you to sleep. Dad had a mistress."she scoffed.

"I want to arrange a meeting. Not a reconcilation but a proper explanation from both of them to you because both of you deserve it. Our father wants us back but that's a decision to make later on. We should be receiving compensation. They're living in mansions and penthouses while we're living here."I stated,my teeth clamped together. "Keep your fridays free,please."


When will people start realising that it is wrong to drag people into small enclosed spaces forcefully? I hope Jinyoung understands that soon. He dragged me into an empty classroom and locked the door.

"What is it,this time? Please don't be another Soyeon,"I blurted out,only to regret my words.

"I told you before. I thought you understood and I wouldn't have to repeat myself."he groaned. "You know what,I'm gonna say this really bluntly so that it'll get through your thick skull."


" you even remember what I warned you about the last time?"he sighed,looking irritated.

My face darkened and I nodded silently. "Then what are you doing?!"he exclaimed.

"I don't know,I'm confused. Nothing has happened between me and Jaebum but I'm starting to feel fluttery around him sometimes..."my voice trailed off.

"And Mark?"

"Mark...I haven't spent much time with him but there's something different. It...didn't,"I paused and bit my lip.

"It didn't what?!"

"FEEL LIKE DATING,"I screamed. "It didn't feel like dating..."

Jinyoung slapped his forehead and rolled his eyes. "Honestly,you are one of the most complicated girls I have ever handled."


He deadpanned. "That's not a fucking compliment."

"You shouldn't be leading either on. Either you break it off with Mark or Jaebum or better,both before anything gets too serious. I won't forgive you if you cheat on either one of them."he warned with his intimidating stare. "They are my precious friends and I won't stand for it."

With that,he walked out of the classroom. Mark...Jaebum...or,both?

"What are you doing?"someone asked and I jumped in surprise. "This isn't even your classroom."Yoongi continued.

I walked to him. "I know...I had a little chat with someone else here."

"'s not Soyeon,is it?"he asked,his jaw tightening.

I patted his shoulder. "No...and I'm sorry for dragging you into our fight. But there's something I felt that you should know."


"We're step sisters."

"I know...she told everyone,"

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