Chapter 12 /Congrats/

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I changed out of my costume into some much more me. Just a loose t-shirt and leggings. Plain but comfortable. Yoongi and his friends stayed really long. It was only when the tent stall was closing that they decided to leave. It was humiliating to let them see how many people were staring at me like fresh prey. Fuck those pedophiles. Actually,on second thought, I wouldn't even want to touch them.

I scratched my neck,groaning at how itchy it was. Am I having rashes or something? Why is it so hot today? Didn't it just rain? My body was heating up and I couldn't stop scratching myself. I would try my best not to be judged at by the public but the streets are empty.

A shiver went down my spine and I sensed someone following me. Do I look back or do I not? Is it Yoongi? Gosh why am I still thinking about him at this time?! Okok...calm down. It's just me being paranoid again. I just need to take the bus and everything will be fine...WHERE'S THE STUPID BUSSTOP?

I took in deep breaths,trying to calm myself down but I swear I could hear two pairs of footsteps;one mine and the other belonging to someone else...

I extended my hand inside my bag,trying to look for something that could be used as a weapon. Empty bottle of water? Nah. Spectacle box? Nope. What if I break my new specs? Okok...umbrella?

I held the umbrella tightly,my palms sweating like crazy. I still hear those footsteps. Gosh I see the busstop and he still isn't stopping. There's no one in the busstop?! Ugh.

I halted and turned around slowly but it was just a customer from before. Phew. I ignored him and continued my journey back home. He was pretty weird wnd forced me to drink a cup of soju before allowing me to attend to other customers.

"Hey,"he called for me. Ughhhh what does he want now? My neck is killing me.


He gave me a tightly slap. What the fuck? Before I could even give him a piece of my mind,he dragged me somewhere roughly. I tried registering my surroundings but the only thing bugging me now was how hot I felt. I was literally burning.

He slammed me against the wall,causing my bag to drop. I groaned in pain and twisted my shirt. I don't even know what's happening anymore. All I know is that I can't wait to get this weird sensation in me.

"Did you like my drink?"he smirked and started unbuttoning his shirt.

"Go away!"I screamed,moving around clumsily.

"Oh babe,you looked so cute just now. Why did you change?"he asked and his hands trailed my face.

"GET OFF HER!"someone screamed and tackled the guy onto the ground. I sunk onto the ground,struggling with my shirt as I kicked my legs around in a fit. It's so fucking hot I can't bear with it anymore.

A blurry figure grabbed my shoulders and shaked me. "Are you okay,Hyun?"he asked worriedly.

I squinted my eyes. "Y-Yoongi?"

He pulled me up but my legs were jelly. ""I mumbled and I pulled my shirt.

"Obscene."he grumbled and bent down. "Get on."

""I repeated and he sighed before flipping me over and resting my body on his shoudler like I was some bag.

"Let go!"I pinched him and smacked hin violently.

"Shut up or I'll bring you back to the guy."he threatened and I shut up,curling my toes as I tried bearing with how uncomfortable this position was including the heat I was suffering from.

As much as I want to stay away from him,I'll never be able to say that I can...


"Are you okay now?"he asked,passing me a cup of hot tea. I nodded my head. We were at the busstop of some mall. It was drizzling and the cold breeze slapped my cheeks cruelly. It was an awkward and tense silence before he spoke up.

"Why did you work in such a place?"he asked.

"Times are hard. I need to work."I replied shortly,shifting a little to the side,not wanting to face him.

"Why have you been avoiding me?"he asked and grabbed my hand. I sighed. I guess I can't avoid this question anymore.

"Is it because of Soyeon?"he asked. Bingo. "You know that she's not replacing you right? You'll also be my friend. I won't leave you alone just because I'm dating her." hah. The freaking friendzone.

"It's not that,Yoongi. You're dating someone,I should feel happy for you but you won't get it. My hopes were so high up and I had gathered so much courage but it just crumbled down in a mere second. It's fine,really,I just needed some time to think about everything."I explained."I've thought about it and...Congrats,"I sighed,my heart heavy. What can I do? Try to break down apart?

"Thanks."he said with a sympathetic smile. "Can you promise me something?"


"Never work in such a place again."

"I won't."I said and got up. "If that's all,I'm heading home. Bye."I waved and walked away,biting my lip with shaking legs. This feeling was the worst. Congrats,Yoongi...Congrats.

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