Chapter 28/Money Money Money/

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"Leave me alone."Yezi growled,rolling her eyes. KittiB snickered,typing away at her phone. I was at the Im house to babysit yet again but Yezi was getting on my nerves,trying to go on a stupid diet. She looks great,why bother?

"Sadly,I'm paid to stick with you. So,you have to eat this. Starving yourself isn't good. Be grateful you have food. You don't know how it is to get by with only leftovers."I sighed and pushed the plate to her.

"I honestly don't need your lectures."Yezi spat. Ugh back to stage 1.

"I'll leave only if you give me money."

She grabbed her wallet and shoved a note. "Shoo!"

"Thanks!"I said spitefully and slid the note in my pocket before leaving the room. "YAH!"I screamed,jumping back in surprise.

Jaebum looked at me in boredom. "I know all your bad deeds."he raised a brow,as if challenging me.

"Money makes the world go around. If you want something from me,then you pay for it. You have a bigger allowance than them so I obviously expect more than $5 for leaving you alone."I shrugged and walked off.

"What's your deal with money anyway? Money isn't that great."he snorted.

"Hold up."I said and put my hand in the air with sass. "Rich kids like you will never understand."I stated and headed towards the kitchen. Time to prepare milk for Chanhee.

"Understand what?"he chased after me.

"What it's like to be constantly poor."I replied,taking out his milk bottle and milk powder.

"And what is constantly being poor like,hm?"

"When your parents leave you at 3 with a newborn baby and a sister that hasn't even graduated secondary school to fend for ourselves. To feed the baby leftovers instead of this."I said and scooped the milk powder and dumped it into the bottle. "I lived in poverty for many years,Jaebum. Only recently have things started to light up. My water wasn't distilled like yours,it was from the tap. My food wasn't from the supermarket,it was from the leftovers my sister got from the restaurant owners. Now,leave me alone because I need to do my job."I informed and added water to the powder before shaking it.

"Hyuk was the baby?"he asked.

"No. He wasn't."I scoffed. "Of course he is,you idiot. I only have one younger sibling."

"But your sister is a prostitute."

I turned around and glared at him murderously. I grabbed the milk powder tin and directed it towards him. "Shut up. Don't ever say that again."I warned with a threatening tone.

"It's a fact."he deadpanned.

"You know what other facts there are? You are being an asshole and you should fuck off because I need to feed your needy siblings."I hissed coldly.

"You still haven't answered my question."his irritating voice made me cringe. He rested his elbow on the counter and turned to the side to face me before smirking.

"Your so-called idol-like face doesn't work on me. Go find some random girl in our school and bother her. "I said,annoyed to no end.

"Why? Why is money so important? You need to give me a clear cut answer." why is he being so stubborn today?

"If I tell you,will you leave me alone for the rest of the week?"

"If I'm satisfied with the information I get."he shrugged cockily. Jerk.

"Because I love money. Money buys you food,clothes and pays your bills. Before even finding true happiness,you need money to live. If not,you'll be wasting your life."

"That's wrong thinking."

"That's mature thinking. You already know my background. I need to contribute to the family. I want to be able to pay for my brother's studies and allow my sister to actually finally rest."

"But you should enjoy the journey,live life to its fullest."

"I will be able if you allowed me to do so."I shot him a dirty look and added water to the bottle before shaking it rather violently,imagining that the bottle was Jaebum's neck.

He scoffed and rolled his eyes. "One more question."

"I'm not gonna answer it."I smiled sinistically.

"You will. Trust me."he said and I raised a brow,rather intrigued now. "What's your relationship with my father? Are you here as a spy? Are you his...illegimate daughter...or are you having a thing with him?"

I glared at him. "You're crazy. It's neither. Your father is faithful husband."

"Then why does eomma hate you so much?"

"Because I woke your father up. They love each other but they don't know how to love each other."I stated.

"And you know how to?"

His question struck me for a moment and I paused to think. Did I actually have a right to comment? I'm an outsider who doesn't know much. I barely have enough experience to comment on a marriage that has lasted for years when the mutual relationship I have has only lasted for a month or so.

"All I know is that both are at fault and that should both make an effort to make amendments."I sighed and tucked my loose hair behind my ear. I'm so tired,I could sleep the second my head rests on the pillow. My skin feels like it's drooping and my legs feel shaky and jelly-like,as if it could just gjve way any moment.

'Ding-Dong!'the doorbell rang. I sighed once again before heading towards the door.

"Hi,how may I help you?"I asked,trying to put on the best smile I could manage. All I wanted to do was to go home and sleep. Homework and projects are piling at my desk and Hyuk can't help me because he has his own.

"Oh,annyeonghaseyo! I'm looking for Mrs.Im,"she explained.

"She's out at the moment."I replied and stared at her,hard. She looks strangely like me. Like an older version of me with wrinkles and pimple-free skin. "Would you like to wait for her inside?"

She nodded her head and entered the room. "Aunty Lee,you're here!"Jaebum cheered and I looked at him. He's rarely ever so enthusiastic.

"Where's your mum? She wanted me to come over for some counselling."she asked and lifted a bag of scented candles and what seemed to be a bag of flower petals. What a weird lady.

I looked over to the door and saw that there was a wallet lying on the floor. I raised a brow and approached it before freezing. I picked it up slowly,my hands trembling and my legs jelly.

"Oh dear,silly me,must have dropped it when I stepped in."the lady said cheerfully and took her wallet. I stared at her,speechless and she stared back at me weirdly.

"Sorry...was there something you want?"

Without much thought,I ran. I ran and ran and ran. I don't want to be with her.

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